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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,593833,00.html His mates call him Bob
  2. he is a cutie Pud hows he doing?? Fantastic mate, hes 5 months now, looks like he'll cut a tooth or 10 any day soon, 16lb 8 in weight and already in clothes for 9-12 months (not sure where he gets that from like!). Hes now learnt how to blow raspberries, cocks his legs when farting (and then laughs) and basically just spends his days making ours that much brighter. Point a camera at him and he comes out of his shell and place anything down in front of him when hes being changed and he'll boot it off the table, cracking left foot! Mint !
  3. you dorty little bugger! She got off lightly... He was going to take her up the Back O Skiddaw. Tis a rough passage.
  4. Monkeys Fist


    17 Good job you didn't study Law then.
  5. Monkeys Fist


    How old is your Mam like?
  6. Monkeys Fist


    Moving Images !!!!! Gold
  7. Monkeys Fist


    terrible thing , guilt.
  8. In the Wild West, people generally weren't worshipping giant, talking trees like har har What i mean is the side quests aren't much different to each other and the little random world events are quite samey/buggy I'm never sure who do shoot half the time. End up killing everyone so I don't get a bounty. Get up close and use non fatal shots- leg, gut.Then hogtie the one you need, finish the rest off. Failing that.... ... Use the Force Luke, use the Force.
  9. Monkeys Fist


    Re-sits are inevitable. Here to help.
  10. I know it will solve nothing, but have you introduced him the Fists of Fury? If he's playing the wanker anyway, you might as well.
  11. Monkeys Fist


    Kevin, This might help you with some of your exams.
  12. Following the US model, with golf balls and rubbish? Possibly one of the few holes that Tiger Woods hasn't plugged yet
  13. Following the US model, with golf balls and rubbish?
  14. Porn. Reported. I'm only 16, what is them things Must ask my Mother. you have a bent Yank in your sig, smoking the dome. Hypocrite. Isn't it Brandon Flowers? Considering he's married and a follower of a notoriously homophobic religion I suspect it's extremely unlikely that he's fond of quiche. But not impossible, admittedly. It's always the married God squadders that love a secret cock. Common knowledge.
  15. Porn. Reported. I'm only 16, what is them things Must ask my Mother. you have a bent Yank in your sig, smoking the dome. Hypocrite.
  16. Home-grown obviously? Can't be doing with any foreign muck
  17. Rule#3a;this sweepstake is only open to residents of participating nations. FoK
  18. Pinkeys Special please Not sure about the goose quill like Each to their own my man, each to their own
  19. Took my little 'un for a walk from Tynemouth Priory to the Fish Quay and back. There was a steel band at the Fish Quay playing Santana, salsa stuff, and (brilliantly) In the Mood by Glenn Miller. She freaked out, dancing like a maniac and pulling shapes all over. Haven't laughed so much in ages. ( sorry to hear about the County Show, these farmer types are easily pleased tho. )
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