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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. The FoK sig I had was lifted straight off google images. It quickly lost it's appeal. Strange that
  2. The highest paid and the influential get us into this mess. Who do the Tories make pay for it? Fucking rewind to the Thatcher years There will be bother.
  3. Aye, making it a completely different format to the rest of the series was a puzzler like. Aye- if they'd kept the format, an extended archive section for each perfomer would've been canny as a "list" show. ( You could always make a cuppa on the Queen bits.) To make it a celeb wank off was just a cop out. ( Have to give Al Murray a pat on the back tho. He seemed genuinly delighted at the end )
  4. The best thing about the show is that it's finished. Can't complain at a bit of archive Zeppelin coming up like
  5. Watched the series.enjoyed it slot, had a great humour running through it. What a fucking dogs dinner this live final shite is tho. Plant Hendrix Bonham Entwhistle ftw
  6. whats happened to Barrack Road Apparantly there's some kind of tournament on in Africa. News to me too
  7. Rocky Dennis' younger sister?
  8. Aye, she's got a canny growler on her. Like a bucket of paste covered in gorse.
  9. 9:00 More4 tonight. I shall be settled with a bottle of red. The Godfather.
  10. Ka-Boom!! Bombed. Well put Renton.
  11. Aye. Same could be said for the entire rag mind. Isn't Stokesly where all the Smog players live?
  12. Was happy to watch Desperado again last night. *well...... happy to ogle Salma anyway.
  13. Michael Howard- now there's a bloke no-one can deny is lovable, down to earth, and a man of the people.
  14. Typed in "riverside pubs northumberland" The Elk's Head Whitfield Northumberland England NE47 8HD. In the West Allen valley, which is beautiful- 20 odd minutes west of Hexham Might be worth a punt?
  15. Would have definitely made them more palatable but still the heads.......Ughhhh Don't let it put you off man- if they're served properly. Scoop em up and crunch away- like fishy crisps.
  16. I'd have thought he'd wait until the WC was over before signing. A winners medal means extra wonga, shirley?
  17. 100% 110% even. Class pub. Lush setting they sell Sagres too. On paper The Boathouse at Newburn would deserve a mention but it's full of scum. In London the pubs right down the side of Hammersmith Bridge, there's three of them together, absolutely godly, for some reason the birds down there always seem the fittest in London too, posh many of them but who gives a fuck, I've never once seen a fat munter down there at Hammersmith Bridge and I've been loads of times. It is quite an affluent area though and you have Barnes and Putney near by. Fabulous place though on the river, proper sun trap too, I've been on sessions outside there, and ended up looking like Garth Crooks. No-neck, fished eyed and pugly?
  18. I've got to say , they look on the large size to be served as whitebait.Just going off the fork for scale, whitebait is usually no longer than the tines ( 2-3cm) or any wider than the handle. I usually served them in a very light tempura batter too.
  19. £35 at sports direct sorry, couldnt resist Boooo!!! Scab
  20. Apropos of bugger all, the French for Bat is "Chauve Souris", which translates as bald,or shaved, mouse. You'd think the Prime characteristic in naming them would be their ability to fly, added to the fact that they're hairy wee critters. Oh those contrary French Zoologists.
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