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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Vos es faeces quod vos teneo vos es, my son.
  2. Feel free to put me back on your ignore list CT. Please.
  3. Why though? Union flag isnt representitive of this world cup. Would the Scottish Parliment have the St George Cross on it seeing as they are not in the WC? Don't see the issue myself. There is no English parliament though, it's not the correct comparison. There's the problem- where should England show support of this kind? Perhaps I should've put this on Stevies Sensitive People thread. It's only a flag ffs. If Scotland, Wales or Norn Ireland were there, I'd have no problem at all with their respective flags being flown over No.10. Like I said, I'm not arsed. But stuck out of car windows seems a popular option. I'm not losing sleep over it either Renton, what does bug me slightly is that whenever something like this involving the English Flag happens, the lemon suckers jump on it like it's the most offensive thing they've ever seen. Plays into the hands of the far right and their hijacking of the flag. It'd be interesting to hear any of the Irish, Scots or Welsh lad's opinion? ( course, if they do have a problem, gtf )
  4. Why though? Union flag isnt representitive of this world cup. Would the Scottish Parliment have the St George Cross on it seeing as they are not in the WC? Don't see the issue myself. There is no English parliament though, it's not the correct comparison. There's the problem- where should England show support of this kind? Perhaps I should've put this on Stevies Sensitive People thread. It's only a flag ffs. If Scotland, Wales or Norn Ireland were there, I'd have no problem at all with their respective flags being flown over No.10.
  5. Cameron is flying a Cross of St. George over 10 Downing St. during the world cup. The colonys are all kicking off about it. Can't see a problem myself. If Scotland flew a saltire over Holyrood that'd be fine by me. They'd have to qualify for the W/C of course, so it's a hypothetical situation, but there you go.
  6. The board will approach Woy Hodgson in the next 2 days according to the Torygraph, mind ,the same article says Dalgleish is withdrawing from selection board as he wants the job. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/...ers-gossip.html Hope they end up with John Barnes
  7. On the night of Pedro's tesimonial, I was grafting behind the bar. the place filled up with the usual pre-match regulars, and one lad had a spare ticket ( his mate couldn't make it). After asking around the bar to see if anyone wanted it, free, he called the gaffer over. Next thing I was on my way to match , he simply said, "I know you love your football, I'd rather see you have it than sell it to some Jock bastard for twice the price." Gent of the highest order
  8. What next? Do it again, until I get a decent team. On that basis I'll keep doing it until I get something other than Chile Fair enough
  9. South Korea- Barrack Road. Karma Stevie?
  10. What next? Do it again, until I get a decent team.
  11. Honduran white bats- real http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honduran_white_bat
  12. Sorry mate there was no draw, sorry about the pm I'm not doing it. i know- thats why i asked for samoa
  13. Cheers Stevie, can i change mine to Western Samoa
  14. Don't see a problem personally. Gives someone a chance who otherwise may not be able afford it. Better than selling it for more than face value, isn't it?
  15. This is the match thread. You can imagine the yank press making this in to 1854 or whenever it was when those mugs got their independence, they always seem to forget it was English v English in essence, so no they didn't win, same as they didn't win the Vietnam War, and never win any war without our help. More like 1950, but whatever. I'm not one to split hairs. Only yanks count that one, we hit the post 7 times apparently. The people at the end of the telegram line thought there was a mistake in the message they thought it was USA 1 England 10, and a one had been missing off. We could've given the Italians a run for their money for arrogance back then. Right. The Yank press is making it into that, instead of 1854(?). That was my point. I generally disregard sporting results that didn't take place in my lifetime as precursors for results. Can't wait for the match Saturday. I think Stevie was suggesting that the USA won independence from Britain in 1854 Was it not then? Forgive me, 1854 was in my head for some reason, but we only learn the history of areas of the world which are interesting like the Roman Empire. I remember the Peanut Farmer visiting Washington as part of the Bicentenial celebraions in 1976. But I am an old fart
  16. Perfidious Albion 2- 1 The Colony
  17. I like jelly. And elephants. 2-1 to Britainland
  18. Monkeys Fist


    Happy Monday lads.
  19. Hughes always reminds me of Luther from The Warriors. Pair of twunts
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