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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Proud as fuck, tbh. My daughter told me when I picked her up from work this afternoon that she’d been asked to stay on permanently. The only one out of all the temporary Christmas workers. It’s not exactly splitting the atom, but she’s barely 17 and as she said, “Dad, it’ll pay for my gigs and drinks for parties “. She’s honestly a little smasher who makes me so happy- she sorted herself out a college place, has done the same applying to Uni, this is her 3rd job, again, sorted it out entirely off her own bat. Apologies- victory and wine
  2. If anyone was in any doubt that Mrs Wykiki posts on her cuck’s account, here is the proof.
  3. He’s just pissed off that a Yam Yam WUM got a few replies
  4. You’ve quoted the wrong person Fingers like pigs tits?
  5. @Howmanheyman Found your perfect cereal.
  6. I thought your Mam had come down to the basement and tucked you in half an hour ago? You need to find a new WUM angle mate, because this is dull as fuck now, tbh.
  7. @Dazzler doing the Lord’s work here btw.
  8. I have to say, even though they’re such a beige non-entity who I manage to utterly ignore when we’re not playing them, I fucking love beating these cunts
  9. Looking forward to seeing Mad Dog on the winning changing room pic.
  10. He’s got no idea what dusting is, the dirty tramp
  11. Targett coming on. Against Villa Because he’s accustomed to dealing with rubbish.…
  12. He’ll be getting chinned this ebening.
  13. Is there something in the water in the Lakes?
  14. You know that kind of drunk where you’re still relatively compis mentis but from the thighs down you’re absolutely bladdered? Aye, well… that. Mrs. and I have just attempted to clean up the post dinner detritus and had to stop several times due to pissing ourselves laughing at our inability to function from the waist down. Festive rattle is postponed
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