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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Why? Hes shouldn't have started the first game anyway. Hart is a better 'keeper and if all he lacks is experience, then surely these are the games where it's safe for him to gain it? Because it would effectively cut his goalkeeping squad by one- dropping him for one mistake, granted a fucking howler, would be harsh in the extreme, and I think it would shatter Green's confidence. After the mistake he didn't buckle, made the saves when needed etc. I think it would also reflect badly on Capello, adding to the suspicion that he still doesn't know his best squad.
  2. Sometimes the need to shuffle brings suprises. All good. Frosty etc.. as long as he leaves the jokers in the deck Did you see what I did there, eh? eh?..... Monkey magic I likes it. Ahh Pigsy!! Kitman's right like, Capello has the players to do it, just needs the right combination. Fwiw, dropping Green would be a dumb move. Start Crouch, Cole.
  3. Sometimes the need to shuffle brings suprises. All good. Frosty etc.. as long as he leaves the jokers in the deck Did you see what I did there, eh? eh?.....
  4. This is why I'm not a good international/neutral football fan - too many grudges - while recognising it wasn't a red I just thought "take that you worky-ticket scouse cunt". the voice of the people
  5. Tennis girl- serious cellulite craters
  6. Derren Brown fucking loves me!
  7. Rooney to score in the 90th. Mystic Fist.
  8. Johnson has had a decent game for us.
  9. Fucking basic cock up from Green. Not a single outfield player went show him a bit of support though, worrying?
  10. Shite first 10 minutes like.
  11. I can imagine you saying that in a Bristolian accent. Congrats btw "Oi shall name ham Jathro!" cheers Acid
  12. Piss poor effort that like Kevin , you little spunkbubble. Improvement is a must if you want to pass Wummery 101. FoK
  13. Cheers Man Chez!! (And everyone else ) I've already got wrong off the nurses for calling him Yoda. Hanging around now waiting for a Doc to discharge Mrs. Fist.
  14. I'll be watching it with my son. England dummy and baby grow? Nah, couldn't get any in my size.
  15. I'll be watching it with my son.
  16. Aye and we've got as far as Durham services and she needs a piss! Near Padstow, Monkey. Any good? Aye, I was just north of there. Check out Trebarwith Strand, and further north, Widemouth Bay has fantastic beaches. Avoid Tintagel like the plague- tourist overkill. Buy a 3litre bottle of pepsi and a funnel, pour the pepsi out and Mrs Gemmill has her very own Travel Toilet
  17. Since we're in the mood; From this day to the ending of the world, But we in it shall be remember'd; We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, This day shall gentle his condition: And gentlemen in England now a-bed Shall think themselves accursed they were not here, And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks That fought with us upon Saint Capello's day.
  18. Clotted Cream teas mmmmm I lived in North Cornwall for a while, just inland from Boscastle. Beautiful spot. Where you going?
  19. He has already caught me out- turned around for a second and he switched on the pee fountain. I'd also forgotten about the Marmite shite. Lovely stuff!
  20. Give it a month and it might be Fabio. :icon_lol:Fabio Fist I likey
  21. Cheers! Dave I was thinking Galen or Cornelious?
  22. Cheers Doc. We haven't settled on a name yet- give him a day or two and see what fits best.
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