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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. My cousin has just got back from staying in one of these in Kintyre, with her 18 month old girl. Look great as an option to canvas with nippers. Cheers for the link, I've been looking for somewhere to take the brood in September.
  2. Thread Alert! Thread Alert! Muslims, Germans, national anthems, the Queen. Prepare to be Leazes'd.
  3. Shame the fucking owner isn't.
  4. Gaitered up ? Jeans and a tshirt Bloody amateurs wandering round the fells unprepared!
  5. Just googled south hams and this picture keeps coming up. Can you say where it is? Also any reccomendations for nice port towns in Devon. Something along the Weymouth lines perhaps. Seaham Harbour, that. January. Know nowt Manc.... Clearly Blyth. Seaham's like Copacabana compared to Blyth I reckon if you googled the above, Seaham Blyth Copacobana, you'd have one of them unique googlewhack thingys.
  6. Just googled south hams and this picture keeps coming up. Can you say where it is? Also any reccomendations for nice port towns in Devon. Something along the Weymouth lines perhaps. Seaham Harbour, that. January. Know nowt Manc.... Clearly Blyth.
  7. Fruit yoghurt toast coffee.
  8. This would bother me I think. Can get all the barren landscape stuff up the Northumberland coast. Stevie is referring to the moors here. The valleys and lanes are full of greenery, deciduous too, none of your conifer shite. The moors themselves have a strange beauty, they aren't like Northumberland in the least. And the place is littered with ancient sites, stone circles, burial chambers etc.
  9. *cough, ahem, cough* ;) I dont feel too bad because I once gave Ewerk some taxi advice when he visited Penshaw. (Not quite the same, I know) Dont take the "short-cut down this dark country lane I know" ?
  10. Checked them out last year. A pre-requisite to booking is that your kids are called Jocasta and Ptolemy.
  11. It is, but don't go at the height of the "grockles"season. North Cornwall (Bude, Hartland Point etc) is less busy than the south.
  12. Aye, gear freaks are hilarious. Once watched a lad turn out in full Alpine body harness, lid, double ropes etc for a 35 ft beginner route in Northumberland. In the time it took him to put his kit on, me and my mate were up and down our route. We watched the bloke tackle the Belford Eiger from a distance. He fell off. The ones that get me are those who march around Keswick in full kit- boots, gaiters, top of the range jackets, walking poles etc. All of it shiny and new. It'll be 10 o'clock , they clearly have no plans to go into the hills. A hoot.
  13. Nah, I doubt you imagined it. They can be some of the most elitist twats in existence. I'm guessing they had their ropes trailing about all over the fecking shop ?stand on their rope- drives them crazy. ( when I was into my climbing, a favourite of mine if I came across any arrogant fuckers was to drop an evil , Jennings fuelledfart beside their belay, knowing they couldn't move away from it).
  14. He's a random posted by you. Saturday in the lake was glorious - perfect conditions - but the groove was still too slippy for me. The rocks at the side were dry but badly exposed. Also about halfway up there was a ledge with loads of proper rockclimbers. I nearly tripped over one of their ropes. That would have been an ironic way to go. Thought the daft twat looked familiar. Did the rock jockeys speak to you, or were they too cool ?
  15. It must've been pretty wet to force you out of the groove Renton? I've only ever done it when it's been dry ( well, dry for the Lakes). Is that your chin minge in the piccy then Renton?
  16. The front or the back one? The one next to the gun rack.
  17. Don't forget to claim back the duck moat.
  18. I just got 2 phone calls. so fuck you. No. 1 " The number you have dialled has not been recognised" No. 2. " The person you are calling is unavailable, please shoot yourself"
  19. Which group are the scotch in? They ain't in the World Cup you daft cunt Go to bed.
  20. Why? Hes shouldn't have started the first game anyway. Hart is a better 'keeper and if all he lacks is experience, then surely these are the games where it's safe for him to gain it? Because it would effectively cut his goalkeeping squad by one- dropping him for one mistake, granted a fucking howler, would be harsh in the extreme, and I think it would shatter Green's confidence. After the mistake he didn't buckle, made the saves when needed etc. I think it would also reflect badly on Capello, adding to the suspicion that he still doesn't know his best squad.
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