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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. See, that would've solved the whole problem a long time ago. Sure Mcguinness said somewhere that an apology would've been enough? Good Friday negotiations maybe?
  2. If they start with "Swing Low Sweet Chariot", do the right thing. Tactical vomit on the nearest singer.
  3. Aye, and the reaction to Keith Alexander's death a few months ago underlined the point - a genuinely bloke who knew his limitations and ploughed out a respectable lower-league management career without ever playing the race card, and nobody had a bad word to say about him. There's still plenty of kneejerk prejudice within the game, but most chairmen would hire a skittle-juggling transvestite nun as their manager if they delivered the results. Purple Hat in the ring Martin? If Chemical Dekka reads this, I'll be blaming you Meenzer!! And Parky, fyp
  4. pretty much.. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12...e-killings.html
  5. Cheers mate, As i said to Mrs.Fist "it was a hard job but someone's got to do you it"
  6. For anyone interested, here's a couple of pics of my new son Wor Tadger and again.. ..last one, honest Happy Monkey
  7. Quality track that like Leazes Anyway,....
  8. Planning on making blackberry gin in time for Christmas, (as I can't be arsed schlepping around hunting out sloes)
  9. First of all he said it was an OG off the keeper then when he saw the swerve he questioned if he meant it. Definitely doesn't like Maicon. Just been banging on about it again- reckons it was a fortuitous mis-hit!! Giz a job ITV, I can do that, go on , giz a job.
  10. I fuckin love it when ITVs commentary donkeys get it so wrong. Writing off Maicon's sublime goal as a keeper own goal at first.
  11. He wants the list of Paras on duty that day so his pals in RIRA can do a bit of revenge 70s stylee. Don't you Vuvu?
  12. What purpose would be served by publishing a list of the names of the Paras involved, Kevin? Other than providing a hit list to the few muppets left who believe in the "armed struggle", I can think of no good reason. Enlighten me ....... .... Vuvuzela.
  13. I'm a cowboy not alan titchmarsh
  14. Only a fucking retard would blow you.
  15. Kevin= Toontastic's very own Vuvuzela
  16. If you make it over for a visit next year, i'll crack open the 1943 Armagnac i was given. It wont be opened before June next year for a very specific reason . Head wetter?
  17. YOu tried fried yoghurt mate? Is this a dialysis? http://www.newredarchives.com/nrapropaganda/irecipesmain.htm Well I'll be fucked. Thought you were extracting the urine. I have never heard of this. Lesson; never doubt Parky when it comes to the weird and wonderful
  18. YOu tried fried yoghurt mate? Is this a dialysis?
  19. All that's missing is a Mong Trumpet.
  20. Well without getting to side tracked down this route..Sir Alan Budd, all over the news today, economist appointed by George Osbourne to give economic forecasts. I appreciate economists dont make decisions in government and I dont recall saying they did. Your last point with regard to objective advice is entirely wrong, for The Tories The whole reason the office for budgetary control was set up was to prevent chancellors (such as Brown and Darling) fiddling the growth figures. Labour fiddling the figures eh?? I know who I think is lying at the moment http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/thereporters/st...st_downgra.html Im not sure what your point is? I have said and it is a fact aswell that all parties had plans to reduce the debt by Big Cuts in public spending and tax rises. Sorry if Im missing the point of your post . Ill make it simple for you. You accused Labour of fiddling the figures. I then quoted the very economist you mentioned who confirmed that they werent. CT;
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