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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Plenty of nice tarts about though, eh Full of puddings.
  2. Feel like a hollowed out shell of a person- the sleepless nights are taking effect with a vengeance. Grafting inside a fucking bakery today didn't help matters. Other than that, top of the feckin world.
  3. Depends on whether you're the offender or the victim Kevin so desperate to loose his virginity he'll let a Gypsy horse rape him...
  4. I love Erdinger, absolutely cracking beer. I'm ecstatic the match is on Sunday btw, I'm at a wedding tomorrow - but at least I can now avoid any awkwardness by fucking off to watch the match. Me, not so much I helped a guy out by switching onto Sunday for him. and he's going Dragon Boat-ing Get it sorted;
  5. Nowt wrong with monkeys you Hinterbackenliebhaber.
  6. and that does my head in. The system is clearly fucked if that can happen. They even went on to tell the presenter how they borrow £2000 each December "so the kids can have all the right labels". Im sure most reasonable people, regardless of political persuasion, realise that benefit pay outs like this are just perverse. I take my hat off to the people who go out to work, even though they could get virtually the same staying at home on benefits. I agree whole heartedly on this. For many years myself and Mrs. Fist grafted and brought in not much more than this. Never did we even consider 'claiming' even though we could have. Not for any reason other than simple self respect. Not sure what my point is, but hey Ho, the booze is in charge. I was once up in front of the Magistrates for missing one payment of a traffic fine. At the time I was grafting as a chef, the Mrs was studying for her Degree and working P/T in a call centre. The case before me were a pair of Chavs, who hadn't paid their fines( for D.A.D and Breach of the Peace) for months. They listed their income and expenses, income being benefits, expenses were payments on Tv, Sky, PS2, Hi Fi - all 'luxury' items. Their living expenses- rent, council tax etc were untouchable as they were all paid by the state. After everything was accounted for, they were asked to pay £5:00 per month between them on an outstanding fine of £1500+. Their solicitor got it down to £2:50 a month-£1:25 each. I had missed 1 payment on a £650 fine. I was given the option of settling the full amount or 28 days inside. I paid, but said my piece and was told I could be fined for contempt. The Magistrate gad the good grace to be thoroughly embarrassed as they said this. Ohhh, still pissed.
  7. Unfortunately Fish you only ever pop in here with the usual bias so your views are somewhat tainted and typical. Feel free to take part in an actual debate rather than a bit of cat calling from the sidelines. Get yer hands dirty. Rentons arguments have left him up so many dead ends tonight its quite shocking for a seemingly intelligent bloke. But thats what happens when you let bias get in the way of real facts. Shame Your style of 'debate' is simply to trawl the internet cherry picking opinions that suit your views. For every quote you give, I could quote somebody else giving the contrary viewpoint if I chose to. I don't do it because I'd rather give my own opinion, and frankly its boring. You still haven't answered how you feel that scrapping waiting list targets will be of benefit to you. I'd like your opinion please. I did. You asked me if they were good or bad and I said....... I dont know Thats why I did some research which included the opinions of the Royal college of Nursing, The BMA Consultants, The Royal college of surgeons and at the very start YOU. Im interested in the facts of a discussion where you are just constantly biased and that clouds your judgement all the way through this thread. If you can find equally authorative bodies with a counter opinion I would be delighted to hear them, before making my mind up. Thats because I am interested in the policy, not the party. However when the Royal college of surgeons say things like this below, then it is apparent that some targets are causing a problem and their removal will benefit us all. In response to that pearl of wisdom, I'd like to ask you to lick my ball bag. In a non- partisan manner, of course. ( bevvied). Putting aside my belief that the task you refer to may actually be a physical impossibility, I would point my learned friend in the direction of posters much more qualified than myself in this matter. Physically impossible how? And who are you referring to here? Tea bag me, you pretend Tory sack licker
  8. Aye. The problem so far hasn't been defence though Parky. It's been the daft insistence of playing Stevie Geeee and Fat Frank together. What, other than his usual row Z blasters, has Franky brought to the team.? Carrick is a far better option to play with Gerrard in the middle IMHO. Then we might see Shrek play to something approaching his potential. Get this right and the defence picks itself really. Agh, the uninhibited joys of drunken posting.
  9. Unfortunately Fish you only ever pop in here with the usual bias so your views are somewhat tainted and typical. Feel free to take part in an actual debate rather than a bit of cat calling from the sidelines. Get yer hands dirty. Rentons arguments have left him up so many dead ends tonight its quite shocking for a seemingly intelligent bloke. But thats what happens when you let bias get in the way of real facts. Shame Your style of 'debate' is simply to trawl the internet cherry picking opinions that suit your views. For every quote you give, I could quote somebody else giving the contrary viewpoint if I chose to. I don't do it because I'd rather give my own opinion, and frankly its boring. You still haven't answered how you feel that scrapping waiting list targets will be of benefit to you. I'd like your opinion please. I did. You asked me if they were good or bad and I said....... I dont know Thats why I did some research which included the opinions of the Royal college of Nursing, The BMA Consultants, The Royal college of surgeons and at the very start YOU. Im interested in the facts of a discussion where you are just constantly biased and that clouds your judgement all the way through this thread. If you can find equally authorative bodies with a counter opinion I would be delighted to hear them, before making my mind up. Thats because I am interested in the policy, not the party. However when the Royal college of surgeons say things like this below, then it is apparent that some targets are causing a problem and their removal will benefit us all. In response to that pearl of wisdom, I'd like to ask you to lick my ball bag. In a non- partisan manner, of course. ( bevvied).
  10. Big bad Fabio has got past his fear of taking Rooney off. Now all he needs is to do the same with "franky lamps" Bring on the sausage eaters etc etc. Guess who's pissed.
  11. Tennis- puffs game just my tuppence worth.
  12. Probably this Would still want some of Ms. Jolie's lady batter though
  13. A day in the life of kevin? At the rate my nose is still going it'll be more like a day in the life of Jimbo.
  14. A day in the life of kevin?
  15. Starter-Grilled Black Pudding with pepper sauce ( black pudding made from the blood of 24 Pennywell virgins) Fish course- Kraken fillet in Angelina Jolie's lady batter Main- Roast Dodo with supermarket veg that actually tastes of something, and a side of Chicken lips Dessert - Bulls milk Cheesecake Thereby ensuring a stay of execution while they track down the ingredients.
  16. Don't jump in front of a bus or owt tragic like that. no,really,I'm serious........
  17. Were you having a nervous breakdown? Am super-fly me, I mix Parisian chic with geordie charv and that boot is the result. Where do the callipers go?
  18. Tend to be watching other things as i gut the rabbit
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