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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Whaddya mean, the memory of a ……… erm……….…memory of ………… an erm, Oooooooooh,what's he called again, that bloke of that Thingy.
  2. Monkeys Fist


    All the best Kitman- the Cyber People's Princess
  3. Don't ask what bizarre series of clicks led from the Chronicle story to this , but..... looks like a must see
  4. Working at McD's to buy a car? They'll be obsolete by the time you can afford one
  5. Junior Berghaus...... Class
  6. Thanks budworth ! Money's money. I need money so i can drive, when i can drive i doubt i'll ever be on here again. Just in case McDonalds aren't really desperate; clicky
  7. Lass who played Jimmie Krankie died has she? That was a lass? Fucking Baps on that!!
  8. "I'm getting the word... nonce" "is that you Mammy?"
  9. Monkeys blood, with a chocolate finger?
  10. Anyone else have a birthday this year? Amazing.
  11. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. It's my birthday soon. A week on Saturday since you're asking
  12. Thursday, same day as my interview Oh right you were being sarcastic I never mentioned my birthday anywhere Bar the opening post. Good luck with the jab The blood on your cock? Respect Dude, i think you'll find i never mentioned anything about my birthday. For all the world wide web knows i could be coming back from a driving ban. So that sir is you officialy own3d. O'Reilly???
  13. Valkyrie- I won't spoil it by revealing the ending.
  14. Oh right you were being sarcastic I never mentioned my birthday anywhere Bar the opening post. Good luck with the jab
  15. You haven't mentioned your birthday in a while- when is it again?
  16. These things take time Horror and revulsion at the grotesque and deformed is an instinctive reaction, the poor man was probably in shock. They're more used to society's "special" people at McD's , so if you can stop wobbling for a few seconds, they'll happily do it. Get your carer to pick out the shit and smeg from behind your fingernails- it's all image at interviews.
  17. Don't bother- it's beyond you. Know your limits
  18. Selling cos you can't reach the buttons?
  19. What kind of fucked up bizzaro world did I wake up in today? Stevie asking for a Yank ref? Thank god he put ref at the end, eh?
  20. It'll be all those oh so funny PMs you keep sending , you little cunt. For the second time- stop sending me messages you little Winnit.
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