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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Millers Crossing- got a Coen Bros boxed set for my b'day and had never seen it. Liked.
  2. I've given your email to a discount booze store Kevin, didn't think you'd mind
  3. You might want to remove the pics my wee genius. You've just plastered your email address all over t'interweb.
  4. Went in there with wor lass once. Hardest pint of my life. In more ways than one. There was a gorgeous lass behind the bar, the outfit she had on man... She would've revealed less if she'd been doing naked handstands and the splits Bunkerbar
  5. Went one last night called The Bunker. Not sure what street it is, runs parallel to Sauchiehall st. but one street down. Beers were standard fare, but oh my, clungetastic!
  6. What's a georide? Some sort of earth/rock based rollercoaster?
  7. Don't get me wrong, I can't fucking stand the things but banning them is courting trouble. Don't see why its courting trouble, letting people in with them would be more of a risk imo. If anyone stands next to me at the match blowing one of those fucking things I'm libel to ram it up their arse. Same here. But it's the age-old thing isn't it? Ban something and certain sections will go all out to break the rules. It's a fad that'll grow out much like that crazy carry on with inflatable bananas/fish/brown ale bottles from about 20 years ago. They talked about banning them too IIRC. There was a reason why they wanted to ban the bananas tbf. Although the City fans (where it all started) did have a supposedly innocent explanation for them to do with Imre Varadi, although it didnt make much sense at all. http://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk/foot...they.4840798.jp
  8. You just know he'll probably score against us. Off his arse
  9. Cheers lads, I was a bit worried about revealing why I wanted him out , glad I've said it now. Believe me Stevie, I do have animal thoughts regularly , usually when I've had a few. I do believe ,though ,revenge is best served sub-zero
  10. A weeks holiday in Birtley? niiiiiice ;) last i checked its cloudy but dry outside Can you not remember them adverts when we were bairns? "We're off to Birtley, to Birtley, to Birtley, We're off to Birtley to have a holiday". Astonishing to think people used to go to a caravan park in Birtley to have a holiday. It seems the Dippers still do
  11. A weeks holiday in Birtley? niiiiiice last i checked its cloudy but dry outside Can you not remember them adverts when we were bairns? "We're off to Birtley, to Birtley, to Birtley, We're off to Birtley to have a holiday".
  12. I've thought a long time about posting in this thread- here's why. In 2007 my brother was also murdered. The circumstances were different to this case- he wasn't a child and there was no sexual element, but it was horrific nonetheless. He was stabbed over 20 times in the back and head. My brother's killer was similarly sentenced to life with a minimum of 20 years before parole eligibility. Because of that, I feel a duty to respond. The replies in this thread are probably mirrored in every forum it's been posted on, to more or the less the same ends of the spectrum we have on here- the " hang the bastards" brigade and the " done his time, paid his dues" crew, along with the overwhelming majority of sympathy expressed for the victim's family. Firstly, I don't believe in the death penalty- didn't before my brother's death, still don't now. I believe that state sponsored murder is still murder. Also, "life should mean life", in a very few extreme cases it already does- Hyndley, Brady,Sutcliffe etc. Whether that should apply in the Pearson's case is not for me to say, I don't know anything about the way the bloke has been inside, whether he has admitted guilt or remorse, or been rehabilitated in any way. I actually want my brother's killer to be released. I'd be lying if I didn't admit to wanting to meet him on the outside for a "quiet word", but even if that happened, I wouldn't want to risk the life I have with my family just for 15 minutes of animal satisfaction. The reason I want him released after his time is served are these; 1)It would mean he had admitted guilt(something he hasn't yet to my knowledge). 2)More importantly to me, and entirely selfishly, it would mean the bastard would have to look after himself, in the real world, with the label "murderer" officially hanging round his neck. There is no bleeding heart liberal sentiment in this for me, I want the fucker to suffer, and the longest most debilitating way for that to happen imo, is to let him out and let him get on with it. If this makes me a nasty,vindictive bastard, I'm happy to agree entirely. I entirely understand the wishes of the Pearson family in opposing the release of their son/brother's killer, but I find the thought of an entire life behind bars too easy for the guy who took my brother's life. Anyway, hope I've explained it clearly. I'm not after sympathy , I just wanted to give my take on things. I hope the Pearson family get something approaching their wishes, and that they can find some form of peace in their lives.
  13. Corinne Bailey Rae gets it on the sympathy comeback card
  14. A weeks holiday in Birtley? niiiiiice :lol: last i checked its cloudy but dry outside
  15. Beatles- good band, led to Yoko Ono gaining fame and The Frog Chorus. The Animals- good band led to Jimi Hendrix gaining fame. As it happens, I'm staying in Dippersville next week. In the 10 minute walk from digs to work (past Lime St, Adelphi and the shopping centre) I expect to be asked for spare change and cigarettes at least 5 times. The Docks and riverside development is decent. Rest of the city is a dump tbh.
  16. No, it's our Andy, it's your Martin O'Neill or Darron Gibson. Fair enough. Claim ownership of a scumbag
  17. Good post Tom. Hopefully it will give a greater sense of responsibility off the field. On field, keep on improving No.9.
  18. Paper cut whilst puzzling how to put together a Happy Meal box.
  19. Did you enjoy it? No. When I want your opinion I will ask you, as you can see I was asking Kitman. Kevin gets a new avatar and gets tough Been saying hello to your leetle freng?
  20. I'm Stevie, don't tell nobody though stand by for a McKeag stomping.....
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