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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Isn't Liverpool, is it? Just what we need, another fucking red. How's tricks Worthington? Fine thanks, cannot wait for you to go down and for us to win the league. I fucking love board invasions particularly with daft shites like yourself. You honestly reckon you've a chance? Dole night at the Internet cafe?
  2. Selling robbed perfume to your scally mates outside the shopping centre doesn't really count tho does it?
  3. As a Bindipper (2nd class) on a Newcastle board, how about you clear up your assertion that NUFC fans are deluded first? What, in your personal experience, makes you think this? ....Or are you just spouting the same old Red Top shite we've all heard and dismissed long ago. just this morning on talk sport.. the following argument is null and void 'Take the relegation out of it, Newcastle have finished higher in the Prem and have 52 000 at every home game' that was the argument of one of yours to why newcastle are bigger than everton. blackburn have won the premiership, does that make them bigger than either of us? and as for the 'take the relegation out of it' comment, thats like a murderer saying to a judge, 'well, take the fact that i slit his throat out of it, and im innocent' Not really personal experience is it?
  4. As a Bindipper (2nd class) on a Newcastle board, how about you clear up your assertion that NUFC fans are deluded first? What, in your personal experience, makes you think this? ....Or are you just spouting the same old Red Top shite we've all heard and dismissed long ago.
  5. I mistook you for an Evertonian, from your avatar. My mistake eh? what does that have to do with a mackem? i know what you're going to say, but it will make absolutely no sense whatsoever. So, toffee or not? born, not manufactured Scouse Mackem then. And you have the brassneck to call NUFC's fans deluded. explain both these sentences to me. is this where you try to tell me that newcastle are a bigger club than everton, based entirely on attendances? completely forgetting that we have 2 teams in our city, and about 5 within the same radius as your closest opponents? Oh goody, another jealous attendance freak. Everton- huge club. No really, you are.
  6. I mistook you for an Evertonian, from your avatar. My mistake eh? what does that have to do with a mackem? i know what you're going to say, but it will make absolutely no sense whatsoever. So, toffee or not? born, not manufactured Scouse Mackem then. And you have the brassneck to call NUFC's fans deluded.
  7. I mistook you for an Evertonian, from your avatar. My mistake eh? what does that have to do with a mackem? i know what you're going to say, but it will make absolutely no sense whatsoever. So, toffee or not?
  8. I mistook you for an Evertonian, from your avatar. My mistake eh?
  9. As predictable as sunrise. he's not wrong though This from a scouse makem
  10. Am I the only one to detect a distinct whiff of WUM about the opening poster?
  11. Watched a report the other day which showed the tributes left at SJP. Still very moving. RIP Sir Bobby.
  12. I bring rapier wit, sagacity and a gargatuan portion of self delusion. Other than that, bugger all.
  13. Tis indeed a blend, but don't knock it til you've tried it. And that's from a self confessed Malt Nazi. What do you call a Chinese woman with a Kenwood Chef on her head? Blenda!!!
  14. Couldn't resist. It's a posh blend- Balvennie, Glenfiddich & Kininvie. Sold as a "Triple Malt".Lovely, smooth honey.
  15. Get yourself to Olu Deniz mate, you'll love it.
  16. That being the case, I wonder where Meenz got all his iron from? Maybe Meenz likes spinach!
  17. What have anal sex and spinach got in common? If you were made to have it as a kid, you won't like it as an adult.
  18. What's the difference between a hooker and an onion? I cried as I was cutting the onion.
  19. Never knew I was a pantheist, here's a nice pic for my fellow believers;
  20. He's still here because no-one else is daft enough to pay the useless lump.
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