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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Fair enough. I was extracting the urine somewhat.
  2. Easy one- " He will bring them death, and they will love him for it."
  3. Class film Lee J. Cobb in 12 angry men Very current atm
  4. I have just laughed so loud I woke my little laddie up. Shola isn't photoshopped btw.
  5. Mackem word that, isn't it Stevie?
  6. http://www.englandsnortheast.co.uk/CoalMin...ndRailways.html Closer than I thought, knew there was mining on the moor, never realised Heaton had a pit.
  7. Twiglets. Marmite on a stick. Lovely.
  8. People who are scared of paedophiles need to grow up.
  9. What's the biggest cause of paedophilia in this country? Sexy kids.
  10. Did I already post my Alzheimer's joke?
  11. Is there any need to play the cunt in this thread?
  12. Liverpool population- 460,000 Newcastle population- 190,000 From 2001 census.
  13. Is that a tribute band? Currently on tour with Scouting, a Pastime for Girls.
  14. Shitter than Kevin! tbh. Fucks sake Craig, don't say shitter, she'll have a hissy fit
  15. You're welcome matey. So, gayist or worshipper of the hairy clam?
  16. I'm 19. This wasn't my coming out thread either like. But you do love the cock? Crude. Welcome to the board.
  17. I'm 19. This wasn't my coming out thread either like. But you do love the cock?
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