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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Aww man fuck off No Kevin Be a man, be honest and answer the question. Of you explain yourself I might understand your confusion. As it is you just sound racist, and I feel like I should report your post to the Admin team. ( Although Pud is reading this, you can give him a call if you like. ) So…?
  2. Ofttt you brought black people into this, you're a racist Fuck off you ignorant prick. Why did you think he was Pakistani? His name? NO BECAUSE HE LOOKS LIKE HES FROM PAKISTAN!!! LOOK FOR FUCK SAKE. I know hes a frenchman. How's that then? His haircut? Clothes? His toe. I'll make it easy for Kevin Tell me what it was about his appearance that made you think he was from Pakistan.
  3. That's Pakistan, the Muslim country. Cheers Jesus.
  4. Ofttt you brought black people into this, you're a racist Fuck off you ignorant prick. Why did you think he was Pakistani? His name? NO BECAUSE HE LOOKS LIKE HES FROM PAKISTAN!!! LOOK FOR FUCK SAKE. I know hes a frenchman. How's that then? His haircut? Clothes?
  5. Ofttt you brought black people into this, you're a racist Fuck off you ignorant prick. Why did you think he was Pakistani? His name?
  6. His isn't from Pakistan though Kevin. He's French, of Tunisian descent. He does have brown skin though, and they all look the same don't they? You racist prick.
  7. If this thread was Dave Watson (Derry Dragon) it would be laughing all the way to the bank.
  8. It's referring to a DJ who repeats himself- MC Escher. Spotify him.
  9. Simple being the operative word , eh Kev Boy? You figured out the Nugget conundrum yet
  10. Do many people on thus board ever use Maccy D's I wonder?
  11. Iron Man is a superhero Iron Woman is an order.
  12. All the very breast Gejon.
  13. They'll never be short of nuggets on your shift Kevin.
  14. Yep, spreadsheets, databases, websites etc. all really simple stuff. What A levels did you do? Accounts, Maths, Computing (did 1st year of geography and psychology as well but found both boring), never bothered with any of them in truth i was 17 and couldn't be fucked and knew i could pass exams with minimal work when i needed to (i basically read things once and can remember it), didn't bother sitting any of my a-levels bar computers which ironically they couldn't read my abysmal handwriting (which was fair enough i could barely read it, writing at exam speed made it a pain in the arse to keep legible and they wouldn't let me type it). lol actually was walking into my psychology exam and got to the door and thought "i cannot be fucked sitting here getting hand cramp for two hours" turned around and went to see enemy at the gates...rather have had the hand cramp with hind sight. So never bothered with uni and just went to work instead, few years of generic clerical work and keeping my eye out for i.t posts, eventually one came out with criteria of degrees or certain accreditation's. Picked out one of the accreditation they needed, paid a few hundred quid to sit the exam for it without taking the course, passed it first attempt. That got me to the aptitude test phase for the job, came 3rd out of a couple thousand in that (which as my mate who met me for lunch after the test still can't believe how highly i scored as i hadn't slept in 3days and my eyes were bloodshot etc was dead on my feet tbh). Came in the top panel for the interviews (don't find out actual placing for it but top 5 anyways out of couple hundred going for 30 posts), which got me the job. like i said if you don't have the letters after your name you need to know your stuff and get a really lucky break, which thankfully i did with the timing, i doubt it'd be possible to do the same now. Jesus you must be smart then. Don't you regret now not actually sitting those exams but? regret not going to Uni aye more for the experience than the outcome although it would make going for jobs easier than it is now (no degree for me means building up the "or X yrs experience" angle for shortlisting) then i don't know if i'd have the same job as i do now if i did, guess it'd be likely i'd have something similar going on how my mate has ended up down the same sort of path. Never know though, atm i'm the youngest in my office by about 5yrs, rest are all uni grads or in the job/dept for 15yrs+, all my group of friends went to uni only really one of which (the one above) earns more than me, some would be a good 6k a year or more less. Either way happy enough where i am for the moment, do the job i said i wanted to do as a kid (not making mario games mind) and i'm well paid for it, been thinking about taking an O.U degree just to see if i could get one tbh, and with one of those it means i can batter through it quicker than it's intended. Well least you ended up with a job that pays well and that you enjoy. is jobs in the I.T sector hard to get? Yes, they is.
  15. Banks haven't been lending a fucking bean for at least 2 years. It is virtually impossible to get a penny out of them at the minute, for a start up I dread to think how hard it'll be to get backing.
  16. Credit where its due though gents… Kevin has dreamt of working as a burger monkey since he was old enough to realise his Daddy was "wrong".
  17. Angola- offshore? You a rope boy?
  18. If he wants a PS3 he'll be working every hour god sends at £3.75 p/h. How much to sponsor a cock slap Ant?
  19. Thou taketh the Pud's name in vain Prepare to meet thy doom, pudphemer!!
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