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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I shrink in the shadow of giants Flattery will get you everywhere Holden- I always have a chuckle at your username, reminds me of childhood comedy jocks; Hugh Jass Ben Doon Phil McCavity
  2. Easton Ellis? Any more of that nonsense and I'll shove a live rat up your pipes. ( Whilst immaculately dressed in Paul Smith , naturally) I can see Fist posting a recipe for chocolate urinal cakes in the near future. Its a piece of piss to make
  3. Easton Ellis? Any more of that nonsense and I'll shove a live rat up your pipes. ( Whilst immaculately dressed in Paul Smith , naturally)
  4. I think he should put on a high Viz bib and go round knocking on peoples doors asking them how there day is going and do they think it's a good thing that cats and dogs who are hurt get treatment to make them better? He could then ask if they'd like to set up a small standing order of say, £2.50 a month to help the RSPCA give these poor hurt animals some medical treatment. I know after a twelve hour shift when I'm sitting down to my tea that I love nothing better than to answer my door to these 'guys'. Kevin's missing a trick working in Mcdonalds if you ask me. Mrs. Fist has banned me from answering the door since I told the last Charity crew to "Foxtrot Oscar".
  5. If you're going to the Free Trade, take in the Tyne as mentioned, then go up the Ouseburn to The Cluny, The Ship, then up the bank to the Tanners.
  6. Absolute bollocks, when she looks good, she fuckin has it. You just need to get it out your mind she's a bamp from Warrington then you'll look at her differently. Minge like a salted slug , I reckon. Still would like
  7. He's moonlighting as a metro inspector. Surely it's part of this facial hair bet thing they've got going on isn't it? Craaaazeeee If that's what it takes to keep team spirits up we're fucked.
  8. Not sure if it's been mentioned, Barton should've had a yellow for his tache. WTF? We look better than I expected , but still woefully outclassed.
  9. I know, sorry Bad form comparing anyone to Macca.
  10. If Myra Hyndley shagged Paul McCartney……
  11. how do I delete topics? Eating them is the usual method of disposal.
  12. Sign John, he's a good friend of ours.
  13. Since it's at Old Trafford, that'll be the 110th minute.
  14. Emergency Glaziers number on speed dial? I'll be in Dippersville for this Haha! Took me a couple of seconds to work out what you meant there, good memory Got convicted for that by the way, can you believe it! Gangsta!!
  15. Yep, I agree. Presumably we've got some sort of first refusal written into the deal? Otherwise why put in the £5m figure? So that Del Boy can point at it next season when he fucks off for £6.5 million and say, "we tried". Glad we seem to have him. Looking forward to seeing him against Team America.
  16. Great minds think alike…..… ……wait
  17. Emergency Glaziers number on speed dial? I'll be in Dippersville for this
  18. Shit in a Tupperware box, left in the staff fridge, labelled "Beef Chilli" or "Tikka Chicken" according to colour.
  19. My thoughts exactly. End of any loan deal, he'll be touting himself around.
  20. I set fire to my agoraphobic girlfriend..................She wouldn't go out!
  21. Fuck me, the Paddy is saved by the Dwarf Report me.
  22. Answer the question Kevin. Show some maturity. And btw, that was not an empty threat about reporting the post. As easy going as this place is, that was bang out of order.
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