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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I condemn such blatant racism and advocate a short term behind bars. Would never have happened under Shepherd. Veggie Quiche anyone?
  2. Contravenes basic food safety that mind. Food handlers shouldn't wear "outdoor" clothing whilst in a a food preparation area. Just saying
  3. 2 hours- allows for security and intelligence checks. Seriously, do you need to change into work clothing? If so, then give yourself 20 minutes before your shift starts.
  4. He speak proper England. Love how they all reckon we're worse , even though we're 16 places off them.
  5. The cheaper the earphones, the better Eminem sounds
  6. Is that what counts as a high-end eating establishment in Derry?
  7. Cook and sell burgers. FFS Kevin, walk up to the 1st member of staff you see and ask who the shift manager is. If you can't work that out mate, give up on Uni now. 2nd brightest………
  8. Time slows, the entire board waits with bated breath for your post-shift report.
  9. Missed that. I was just about to say... Renton - in love with Chez. Jealous tbh and who wouldn't be. Fwiw HF you're probably my favourite poster on here at the moment. Daisy Chain on the way
  10. I think his best work was "North Country Boy"
  11. Posters who's humour I click with are Manc-Mag, Kitman,Fish, Alex,Happy Face,Gemmill,Meenzer,Trophyshy, Jimbo. Pud can be dry as a desert. Wacky comes out with some belters, although i think he misses Soccermom since she went to Poland for her final surgery,and Laz deserves to be sponsored by Ralgex for his devotion to all things Flap related. Stevie's knowledge of NUFC is laudable, matched only by his xenophobia. The vast majority of posters on here are canny, Acid is a good lad. Parky's knowledge of all thing esoteric is encyclopaedic. Of those who've gone, Fop is the mystery wrapped in an enigma. (was he really Raoul Moat???) Christmas Tree has gone very quiet since Cleggeron squirmed into power, and I cannot for the life of me understand why Sima bothers with this place. .…then there's Burger Bhoy.
  12. He's not allowed sharp objects.
  13. Nah I'll think of an answer before hand. Like when mcdonalds asked me why i wanted to work there: So hang on, you value experience but when everyone in this thread has tried to impart some of their experience on you, you claim that "they don't know shit!" Digest this, and it isn't up for debate. You never, ever stop learning all the way through life. The moment someone thinks they know everything is the moment they start to go into freefall. No industry is that more applicable than IT. You're ambition is admirable - there isn't a great deal at your age who know what they want to do - I certainly didn't. But your attitude stinks to high heaven and needs working on if you have any desire to realise those ambitions. Bump
  14. Nah I'll think of an answer before hand. Like when mcdonalds asked me why i wanted to work there: Ok, *puts on academic voice* "So Mr. Gallagher, why do you want to study at Jordanstown? I must warn you we don't use tills in lectures"
  15. I thought Kevin's surname was Gallagher, not Assilleekunt?
  16. I'm 25 and I have no idea what I want to do. I'm Spartacu..... Wait, wrong thread. I'm 42, and into my 2nd "career". Not one of the subjects I did at school, or studied at Uni has any application in either of these ( barring the Three Rs).
  17. you have a year until uni, yes? get busy Kevin
  18. Up in where? That's the best thing you can do at this point...think. Don't rush into anything. You work at maccies so you won't end up on the dole. You can afford to take your time, even if it means missing out on college/uni this year. And if you want any advice on computer programming type career stuff, I'll advise you from my own experience. I have another year of upper 6th. I apply for uni in january. we'll see how things turn out in the next few weeks. It's probably been suggested already, but have you tried asking for a voluntary placement with an IT company? At least then you can see if you like the work, gain some valuable experience, and get some valuable contacts and references. You have said elsewhere you want more shifts at Maccy D's, so you clearly have plenty of spare time- put it to good use. You can do that ? I doubt someone would just let me in but. So you haven't tried.... My first year of work, from age 16, was voluntary. Any decent company will take it as a sign that you are keen- what's the worst that can happen-You decide I.T. isn't for you. Nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying
  19. It's probably been suggested already, but have you tried asking for a voluntary placement with an IT company? At least then you can see if you like the work, gain some valuable experience, and get some valuable contacts and references. You have said elsewhere you want more shifts at Maccy D's, so you clearly have plenty of spare time- put it to good use.
  20. I shrink in the shadow of giants Flattery will get you everywhere Holden- I always have a chuckle at your username, reminds me of childhood comedy jocks; Hugh Jass Ben Doon Phil McCavity You forgot Robert Fitzpatrick Damned dementia! Gets me every ..... erm.... every..... ..... I like chocolate urinal cakes FYP
  21. I went as a mature student and was staggered at how many of the nippers were utterly clueless, didn't want to be there, and had no idea what to do next.
  22. I shrink in the shadow of giants Flattery will get you everywhere Holden- I always have a chuckle at your username, reminds me of childhood comedy jocks; Hugh Jass Ben Doon Phil McCavity You forgot Robert Fitzpatrick Damned dementia! Gets me every ..... erm.... every..... ..... I like chocolate
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