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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. ...and delivers Aids to Palestine. FYP
  2. For the record, I know Leazes is married to a black lass and works for Greenpeace. Just saying.…
  3. Did before , do now. The majority of their lot acted like a pack of cunts the day we dropped. If the roles had been reversed, I'd like to think we'd have more class, at the very least applauding their fans for turning up.
  4. Still on it from last night? I doff my cap to thee sir. Don't know what you mean * grinds teeth*
  5. I didn't know Messi was an Alchoholic.
  6. My rant was more hope than expectation Luke. Sadly, I agree with your point. Even at home, I think we'll struggle against what were seen as "bankers" not too long ago. Still want to murder the Brummie twats like.
  7. Give us a pm then with some links. Trancey dubstep? Is that not just UK funky? ; Fuck me this is getting technical. I haven't uploaded any dubstep as yet. i'll set up a toontastic page on soundcloud when i get a minute. put some demo's up. Oh and trance isn't gay, well at least i didn't think it was. depends as always what floats your boat i guess. Digital Hang is really nice, well executed and creates a nice mood. Reminds me of Pantha du Prince. Right up my autobahn. The trancey thing is not my cup of herbal but that shit sells, especially with the girls apparently. Boclite reminds me a bit of the new Actress album, i like it but i would have started it off with the low pitched synth and left that going for longer, building the track up from there. Is there a link to these nuggets? pm coming your way.... I must be the wrong generation or something, I've just never done owt like this. Got some Neil Diamond Bhangra re-mixes if you like Leazes?
  8. I really hope we fucking cane this lot. Fucking hated them before we got relegated, now it's more like cold fury. Rant over
  9. That took me to an iPhone porn vid site! Goodbye battery life
  10. Annecy really is a gem. I first went about 10 years ago with my oldest two daughters who were about 12 and 9 at the time. It pissed down and it was only a stopover so they all hated the place. This time it was just our lass and the youngest (6). The weather was gorgeous and sunny, we took a hire motor boat on the Lake, the mountains around the lake are beautiful and with it being sunny we could eat and drink and various pavement cafes. Like most places, totally different when the suns out. We then drove down passed grenoble through the Alps? and would have been not too far off that Gorge. I kep having to double take at those mountains along that drive as they are just jaw droppinginly huge. Unfortunately we are off to Lake Garda in a few days and then possibly back up through Austria switserland or germany (no definite plans yet), however as the wife is 29 weeks to the good, gorge walks are on hold for the moment. (Looks impressive mind having googled it). Congratulations you dirty old dog! If you're heading from Garda up thru Austria and Switzerland you'll be passing through the Dolomites. Stunning mountains Enjoy.
  11. Kevin pops his cherry!!! Well done laddy.
  12. I reckon he's lying about the whole Maccy D's thing. He's clearly a rent boy.
  13. oh and Alex I would have said so if it wasnt for the username. Outed!!
  14. Not been in myself but I've been told that it's awful. Friendly staff mind,
  15. Annecy is class like CT. Don't know what your plans are, but if you're heading back up from the Riviera, you should make an effort to see the Verdon Gorge. It's roughly an hour North of Marseille and is spectacular. Vertical limestone cliffs over 1000ft I went climbing there and it blew me away. If you come through east to west, I'd recommend staying the night at the village of Moustiere(s) Saint Marie. It's at the mouth of the gorge, by a lake and is beautiful. Happy Touring you Tory swine
  16. I love to see threads like this so that everyone can vent their angst I dont really mind anyone on here (fishing for friends ) which is probably about right bearing in mind its an internet board with a load of random joes who are only know by bizzare alias's. Even people who I have had a ding dong with, I still find quite amusing and its good how you can go hammer and tongs with someone in one thread and be chatting like old mates in another thread at the same time. There seems to be a hard core of about 30 regular posters who are all ok, except Kevin (sorry Kevin but you come across as an absolute tit. I did spend a while thinking you were one of the regulars with another account just trying to piss people off, but lately I think that you are simply just a wanker. Its got to the point where I try to avoid threads that you have started). Stevie with regard to your comments you couldnt be further from the truth. I have a very small close group of friends that I cherish and find it hard to keep up with them and family ete etc without wanting more! Monkey, with regard to being missing, I mainly use Toontastic when working and since June I've been off so really just browsing off late. I must confess to enjoying a bit of an argument, particularly with regard to politics, but overall its just a bit of harmless fun to me. Anyway, hope you are all keeping well. As I type I am sitting on a balcony on the sea front in Nice drinking Kronnenburg and watching topless luvlies on the shores below. Aint life a bitch. xxx Nice? Nice! Can't get Special Brew in France mind
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