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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. "Coleman Hawkins Encounters Ben Webster" Track listing etc Oscar Peterson also plays on it. Cooler than an eskimos cock end.
  2. Love that album. There's an album by Coleman Hawkins & Ben Webster which is even more chilled than K.O.B. Can I fuck remember what it's called though. I'll have a hunt.
  3. If you some classy background for during the meal, Kind of Blue by Miles Davis. Just put the entire album on a loop.
  4. In an entirely unnecessary story, this strikes me as the most unnecessary part of it. Shearer was the last person anyone could realistically blame for relegation. Oh how I love the Meeja.
  5. It doesn't count if you have to say it yourself. Except the moron bit I just said what everyone was thinking. I be the kid who speaks out for my people, viva la resistance At no point do I see the words "Kevin has only had sex with his hand"
  6. Winner! Should have dropped a starfish in with it too, feckin vermin.
  7. If you liked it then you shoulda put a hijab on it
  8. Bingo. To use a Stevieism, pipe down lads.
  9. One of the lads I'm working with commented earlier they thought he looked like a female to male tranny. Stick a frock and a bit lippy on him, and I think he's on to something.
  10. lovely stuff. Physic!! Or Chemistry, one of the two.
  11. Angelina has just walked in, piss flaps clapping like a sea-lion. My weekend has been perfect. I can dream…
  12. Enjoying this. City's forwards clearly not as prolific as our own, but hey, not many are!
  13. He'd have had to be fucking fast to get to them from the bench.
  14. Would Given have made those saves?
  15. Scousers struggling to keep up with betters. Bit like on here really
  16. Dispatches Scouse special on C4 now! Linky
  17. Fox versus chicken? Animal carnage.
  18. Junky? Get back to your nightclub in your caravan. At least I drink in the pub mate. Is your bar bill around £80 a fortnight? Doubt it. Dole only gets £48 a fortnight. Probably more than you make. If he gets £48 a fortnight and I get £200, who gets more? You can use your fingers to count Shit I forgot about his benefits. Wonder what he's claiming. Disability allowance for sure.
  19. Felt your pockets. Its Scouse vernacular.
  20. I'm sure your parnets are pourd of you.
  21. What did the Scouser call his son? Rob.
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