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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Go on there Wyki!! Now take this attitude down the allotments and claim back your territorah!!
  2. My first car was a classic. Been downhill since.
  3. He probably throws the medicals anyway. Shouts "Ooh me bastard hip!" and collapses when he's on the treadmill. A bit like sticking red spots on your face with a felt tip pen to avoid going to school.
  4. That's the same as me and Lee As it's breakfast time, I'd recommend anyone searching Google Images for Lee Ryder puts "safe search" on their settings.
  5. I'd go with this to a point. Much as he did against Accrington, start a good few young 'uns, but have experience on the bench just in case it looks like we could pull off a result. Ultimately avoiding relegation is the priority, but this early on on the season, there's nowt wrong with a confidence boosting cup run. * fence sitting or what?*
  6. Couple of months late but , still
  7. Depends how far I'm prepared to go Given the astounding business (and common) sense you've displayed on these boards, I'd be amazed if you charge more than £2.50 for a dry bum rape and pink-eye finish. Add a £1.25 hand shandy and there's an hours graft for you. Excluding VAT of course.
  8. Fucking new you were a rent boy. I'll bet you still only get £3.75 an hour.
  9. Not Jewish is he? How the fuck is he supposed to know if he has a foreskin or not. You normally keep your eyes closed then Kev?
  10. Oh Manc-Mag my Manc-Mag! Excellent post
  11. he is dear boy he is tell me who has a better record of results? Stan Seymour - FA Cup twice Joe Harvey - Div 2 Champs ( equivalent to today's Championship) and Fairs Cup. If Chris wins us the FA or League cup, then he may equal these two. Long way to go til he's the most successful.
  12. You could start a thread now about how Ibrahimovic has gone to Milan and he'd reply in it wittering on about how we'd have once been going for this type of player. I don't just think he's wrong for a number of reasons, he's a fucking tedious old bastard and I don't know why or how others on here can just put up with it or ignore him. He goes into completely unrelated threads and provokes the arguments, then if somebody bites and takes him apart, he can't see that he's being shown up. Even if you try and reason with him or probe into his beliefs and try to understand by asking him genuine questions e.g regarding finances, he doesn't reply with anything other than a massively defensive counter question. I'm actively punching my monitor at some of the dumb shit he dribbles. I'll actively contain myself from biting for the benefit of you folks but i think he should be told to stop the references, however subtle, to the old board in unrelated threads. And enforce it if he doesn't. Leazes finds fame at last.
  13. Gotta be worth getting on a shirt Dick van Dogsdick for economy.
  14. They'd go down a storm in Japan like. Cartoons and scat. Winning Nippon combo.
  15. Just emerged from a 100 yr kip. I'll get me coat.
  16. Washington , Tyne and Wear.  Bless. 2nd brightest.
  17. Donate sperm? Reckon the coffers will be low after 3 weeks on the job.
  18. http://theflatearthsociety.org/cms/index.p...8&Itemid=65
  19. Congratulations Chez. *you owld git *
  20. So, now that he's ours,is it Ben Arfa or Ben Afra??
  21. Imagine if you really only had half an arse. You'd want to hope you got the half with the hole in it. Well if it was a true half, you'd maybe get half a hole. Then again, can you get half a hole? A hole is a hole after all. Course, Im not really up on the symmetry of arses (actually, Im not up arses at all ) Would depend on where the dividing line was- following the crevasse, you'd end up with a demi-sphincter. Hip to hip would be pot luck-a hole in one , nowt in the other. I've always thought the poop chute to be a poor design. Hard to reach, awkward to clean. Much better if it was on the hip, or front and central.
  22. Home or away gents? Grafting so missed the draw.
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