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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Then you didn't spell it correctly. y'see there's no "b" in economics. sometimes, my comedy is a bit of a high wire act Oh. Just send me a pm. just click this link Clicky or here Speculating. My best guess is videos of The Fish making ecstatic poses in his briefs with T.Rex in the background. Right here is where this thread hits surreal territory. And Fish, Disraeli? Sublime The Fish loves to Boogie. Likes a bit of Hot Love Anyway , here you go Kevin Linky
  2. Two films I love. Would Paris Texas be as good without the Ry Cooder soundtrack??
  3. Then you didn't spell it correctly. y'see there's no "b" in economics. sometimes, my comedy is a bit of a high wire act Oh. Just send me a pm. just click this link Clicky or here Speculating. My best guess is videos of The Fish making ecstatic poses in his briefs with T.Rex in the background. Right here is where this thread hits surreal territory. And Fish, Disraeli? Sublime
  4. I miss my wife an awful lot. Mind , when I do connect she's out for the count.
  5. Hello, is this the Police?" "Yes. How can we help?" "I'm calling to report about my neighbor Lazarus! He is hiding filthy porn inside his firewood pile." "Thank you very much for the call, sir." The next day, the police raid Laz's house. They search the shed where the firewood is kept. Using axes, they spend hours chopping open every piece of wood, but find no porn. They swore at Laz and left... The phone rings at Laz's house:"Hi, Laz! Did the police come?" "Yeah!" "Did they chop your firewood?" "Yep." "Happy Birthday, Mate"
  6. See, that's the best bit- according to "he who cannot be named", per capita they have had far and away the most money so far. Anyway, let's wait and see. I'll piss myself if it comes off.
  7. I heard something very interesting today about sunderland- the town not the team. I can't post it as it's not public yet, but it's a prime example of the size of chip they carry on both shoulders, even to the highest levels of local government. Anybody interested PM me ( however, it's my wedding anniversary tonight, so I'll pass it on to the first person, then they'll have to pass it on after that. )
  8. They've all got that little bit of Hitler in them as far as I'm concerned. Too orderly for my liking. Mrs P's tidyness drives me up the wall. Even at w/e we always have 'to be doing something'. She's always fukin arranging things for Sun morning with ParkyJnr, so I look like a cunt cause I refusre to get out of bed at 7.00 (ON A SUNDAY!!!!). She arranges and re-arranges things on my desk, she never seems tired or just able to relax, she doesn't understand anything about the world on any meaningful level, she watches Twilight (that vampire thing) and raves about it. I saw her cleaning her macpro screen with special computer screenwipes the other day (that's just fuking anal!!). Germans are shit. Bugger me, Mrs. Fist is an Eric!! What I love about this place is that a thread that starts about some dodgy German and racial stereotyping ends up on dirty knickers slot machines in Japan Gold?
  9. You forgot Joey Belated beeday greets Sammy. Joey can get to fuck though.
  10. Aye. Did it come up on the screen " Tuppence Ha'penny , but Dave's doing alright"
  11. Aye it was Des apologies. Leeds Boy Sniffer, you on about how much money he's made, it says in the piece in 2007 he went bankrupt. Poor cunt. Couldn't even buy a goal then?
  12. Depends if it breaks off before its fully out, ya'mean? No, that's Shiteus Interruptus.
  13. Happy Wankday Laz. Have a good one Hoppy Birthday
  14. Fucking hell, I lived on coffee and spliff for 2 decades. *digs out teapot*
  15. I bet nobody in the whole world thinks you're one though. :icon_lol: Asprilla calls J69 a "nobody" Fighting talk I'm with Stevie on this one.
  16. Tits oot? Unfortunately not but plenty of that Jolie brooding that quite frankly is all you need from her Tits would have got it a 9 (directors take note) Meh… Want tits
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