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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. It amazed me that I couldnt find an Italians when I was in Belfast for a night, ended up in bloody La Tasco in some shopping centre which was decidedly average EDIT: And I too made home made pizza last night, nothing beats a home made base. Try boiled egg on them Now youre talking! A couple or three minutes before your pizza is done, crack a raw egg in the middle. Put it back in oven , ready when the White is just set, yolk still runny. Burst the yolk and spread it over the pizza. Gorgeous.
  2. There was only the old Magpie club opposite, not sure when that came down? Not really up on me Hoolie history tbh
  3. Black Bull? Isn't John Anderson that gadgie wot does the commentary on Metro Newcastle Radio FM? ( alongside Mick Lowes, former captain).
  4. Monkeys Fist


    Back of the Ouseburn school theres a path made of headstones That'll be the one. Is it beside the green? I'd call it a field but you can call it a green if you want. Tomayto tomato. The grassy bit.
  5. Kevin sent me a sly little mocking PM with a picture of Vivid taken from his Facebook page. Fucking bad crack that like Kevin.
  6. was working yesterday and friday m'old charlie. Man, how do you do it? Waterloo Road, Maccy D's...… your life is just one long whirlwind of fun.
  7. This can only end one way; behind the counter at McDonalds
  8. Isn't it Jess gets pregnant next week OMG!! Does she know?
  9. Dippy eggs and soldiers. Mmmmmm
  10. Good effort Ant. Is it pretty easy to do? You'll never buy a shop pizza again Good on you. And yes, it's far less hassle than you think.
  11. dont worry yourself dan, i wasnt talking on behalf of you. in fact i dont even know who you are. but yeah shows you how much i care about ye, doesnt it?
  12. Oh Kevin My heart weeps for your fragile soul. Nah, not really. Pipe down, crack one off, avoid Daddy. There's still feint hope , but tis fading
  13. Just had an evening of Black Diamond Heavies, Black Keys, Billy Gibbons. Plus wine & smoke makes for a good night in the Fist Book of Fun.
  14. Should find out next week. Fuck me I sound like Llamearse there
  15. Bejabbers, Oi've bin Hoijacked. Shoite.
  16. Monkeys Fist


    Back of the Ouseburn school theres a path made of headstones That'll be the one. Is it beside the green?
  17. Aye, didn't think it was a scoop like. Just hadn't heard owt about it.
  18. Houllier is going to Turdsville as Director of football , McDonald to remain as manager with Steve Staunton as assistant is what I've heard. Am I miles behind with this?
  19. Monkeys Fist


    I've been told Dog Leap Stairs are so called because they led to the old butchers area of the Town, and all the mutts would congregate there for any scraps. Silver Street, the remains of which run between the Tax Offices and the circular church at our end of the Tyne Bridge( St. Marys? Anyone), was unsurprisingly the street where the silversmiths plyed there trade. The vast majority of these silversmiths were Jewish. I'd be interested to see if the current Hacidic community in Gateshead are the descendants of what was once a sizeable Jewish community in Old Newcastle?
  20. Monkeys Fist


    One of the first examples of prisoners being used as human shields occurred in our fair city. I forget the exact details, but the Jocks had us under siege and began firing canon at the Keep. We had several of their top boys as prisoners, and they were tied to the West Wall of the keep , in view of the attacking jocks. No more canon, the keep survived, the siege was broken. Don't fuck with the Geordies
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