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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. better view... I love how their only (incorrect) argument is that there were no mines in Newcastle. They've ,unsurprisingly,totally missed the point of a city- a centre of commerce. For any Mackem lurkers here's how it works; 1) Fort is built 2) Fort is safe, traders live at fort 3) Market grows around fort 4) Fort becomes market town 5) Goods are taken to Market from production areas 6) Succesful town becomes City 7) Inbred neighbours down the road are doomed to generations of jealousy and bitterness
  2. Minutes silence held in past hour- 6 Benefit scams currently paying-37 References to John, Paul, George and Ringpiece. - 45 p/hr Pictures of Holy Father sold on Market stall - 7,500.
  3. Basically, the local paper publish his address and then he's off again.
  4. Calling your new manager a classless, shit boring non-entity in your first press release about him? Bad move
  5. Far as I can tell, this Gemmill bloke is a dead, dyke,fat actor.
  6. Provided half the stuff in the Museum and washed the players cars. When sober
  7. Can you show me the one you scored from the half-way line Stevie? I don't think I've ever seen that one before. To be fair like that one was mint. Who's the tubster scoring in the link?
  8. Ha. Forgot about him. Shocking player with a shocking haircut to match. Up there with Daniel cordone The Wolfman!!! One of the best South American strikers to play for us post Keegan
  9. Stick to posting eminem lyrics. Edit. Fingers like pig tits. Touchphone.
  10. I underestimated just how much of a girls blouse Andreas Andersen was.
  11. I've always thought of myself as a 4 star type of bloke. Cheers Kevin you little skip rat.
  12. Do I win a year's subscription to N-O then
  13. Take one of these. Fill it with nice, harmless fresh air. Inject it into your heart. please
  14. Bit more to it, but you'll have wait and see. pm bbz. Nnnnnnnnnno!
  15. Bit more to it, but you'll have wait and see.
  16. No!!!no!!! He's lost his fucking job!!! Nah, not really. Was sick of pm-ing everyone tbh. It should ( assuming they go ahead) be public this week.
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