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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Tony Blair was on the right tracks but got it wrong....if he'd said "everyone's middle income nowadays" he'd have been more accurate if you ask me. You can have done the university thing, got a graduate traineeship, made a meteroric rise through the ranks of a ftse top 100 comapany, married Jemima, the Roedean educated daughter of the finance director, got the townhouse,got,got the villa in Tuscany,got the Porsche Cayenne and dozens of immigrant staff to look after the two of you and your 2.4 children and your fuckin golden retreiver....but if you were brought up in Wallsend where your old man worked as a light plater in Swan Hunters and your mam as a dinner lady theres still fuck all middle class about you :icon_lol:
  2. That's brilliant. Should be your ava. Do you ever drop anything? Bait, occaisonally Nah, all our tools are tethered to us. edit: cheers Doc, might try that avatar
  3. Aruga! Aruga! Huminah! Huminah! Agreed
  4. Just brilliant those, like. Cheers mate, here's a few more, hope the video link works Video taken above the Long Bar The Vermont Hotel The Sage The Baltic Birmingham Liverpool Glasgow
  5. I find it hard to believe you have anybody to leave it to, at risk of being harsh, there's a reason you're in your 50s and living in a flat, and you don't have to look further than your posts on here to work out why. Why would you get about upset by anyone having a dig at a long departed poster like Thompers? Hmmmmmm Detective Fist is on to a clue Follow that nose fist, by god dammit follow that nose!
  6. I find it hard to believe you have anybody to leave it to, at risk of being harsh, there's a reason you're in your 50s and living in a flat, and you don't have to look further than your posts on here to work out why. Why would you get about upset by anyone having a dig at a long departed poster like Thompers? Hmmmmmm
  7. Here's some I posted this summer on St. James Park http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=721376 Once I've got kidlets to bed I'll try to stick a few more up.
  8. Do you clean windows on the Sage and stuff like that? Always thought that would be class as a job, but like I say I can't get past the height thing. I used to do the Sage and the Baltic before I set up myself. Working on the Turnbull building by the High Level this week doing some de-vegging and pointing.
  9. He should be shot with shit pulling a stunt like that. I'm amazed a "professional" video seems to think it's ok to climb with safety gear. I have a rope access (abseiling ) business and you wouldn't believe the paperwork and procedures we have to go through just to put ropes over the side to clean a window. In the UK, all masts and towers have a fixed vertical safety wire which you attach to to climb. I'm surprised the yanks get away with this, given their liking for litigation and blame. Rant over. I'll post a few pics of my work later if anyone's interested.
  10. you've got to be kidding. that's not middle class that's just lazy no harm, does she tidy up before the cleaners come round? cause that's what daft people i know do Aragorn is the poor buggers name. Not sure about the other two, but I'll bet it's not Bill or Ben.
  11. My nipper has just started nursery and there is a kid there called… …Aragorn. I shit you not. Poor bastard has 2 younger siblings , (Gimli and Smeagol I'll guess??) Giving your kids daft names - middle class.
  12. Kevin realises the car has 4 doors……… panic!!!!!! "which one do I use?? I reckon the driving instructor's pedals will be too much for him an arl. "Which one of us is driving dis ting den? Can oi listen to some Eminem?" Kevin's ideal wheels- Clicky
  13. Kevin realises the car has 4 doors……… panic!!!!!! "which one do I use??
  14. You've been on the Special Brew again haven't you, you naughty naughty Tory. Mending Broken Britain?
  15. Covered by most major broadcasters a few weeks ago. So, 57% didn't think they were better than the last one. And, most major broadcasters isn't really a source. No info on numbers polled, demographics etc. Come on CT, straws being clutched a bit here ?
  16. Monkeys Fist


    Someone get some "Daddy" attention?
  17. My full driving license still has a photo of a 14 year old on it. I keep photos of 14-year-olds in my wallet too. Good man. B)
  18. As much as I like and respect Houllier, I hope he falls flat on his arse with these muppets.
  19. Aye, righto Shwarzenegger For fucks sake Kevin , just apply for the bastard thing. Waiting 2 or 4 weeks is immaterial. Do you have a car?
  20. Follow the instructions on the link below; http://www.thickasmince.co.uk
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