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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Dissed by a burger flipper- the shame (How's your boss btw Kevin? He cleaned your bog yet?) But fist, i'll be doing something with myself in 10 years other than burger flipping. AND IT WONT BE CLEANING WINDOWS! I found out he aint my boss I fucking bet you will you little self-abuser,no fucker else will.
  2. Haven't you seen Peter's yacht? Your loss. The silence speaks volumes tbh Its hardly a yacht............... more a speedboat really. The S.S. Pud. Keeps it moored off Blyth
  3. Dissed by a burger flipper- the shame (How's your boss btw Kevin? He cleaned your bog yet?)
  4. "Do you deliver?"…… Coat.
  5. Just seems a bit cuntish repeatedly calling for someone to be banned just cause you don't like him.
  6. Not really a convincing case against opting out IMO. That was 2008, what was the outcome of the case? not guilty.
  7. Not really a convincing case against opting out IMO. That was 2008, what was the outcome of the case?
  8. Just out of interest Kevin, why was Thompers banned?
  9. Parky. Slap yourself. Chicago Sun-Times Article: Gene heart work raises hope ROGER HIGHFIELD CopyrightCopyright © 2009 Chicago Sun-Times, Inc. All inquiries regarding rights or concerns about this content should be directed to customer service. (Hide copyright information) A milestone in the effort to implant genetically modified pig hearts into people was passed last week when a team of scientists told a conference that it had kept a baboon alive for up to 40 days with a "humanized" pig heart, the longest period achieved to date. The use of humanized animal organs is being pursued to meet a shortage of donor organs, and when perfected, is expected to make the biggest impact on transplant medicine since anti-rejection drugs. The work was presented by Conrad Vial, of Stanford University, who is working with Imutran, an English company pioneering the use of pig organs humanized by genetic modification. Wouldn't it be easier and cheaper to make organ donation an opt out instead of an opt in? Not really. If my Mrs pegged it and there was a mix up/she forgot to opt out, I wouldn't be too pleased that they pulled her kidneys, corneas, liver and whatever else out. Also the real risk that 110% won't be given to saving your life if they know you are an organ donor. I've seen it happen. Once you're dead though, the body is just decomposing meat. If Mrs. Fist died I'd be fucking livid if a part of her that could be used wasn't , simply because her card was missing or I wasn't there in time to give consent.
  10. Parky. Slap yourself. Chicago Sun-Times Article: Gene heart work raises hope ROGER HIGHFIELD CopyrightCopyright © 2009 Chicago Sun-Times, Inc. All inquiries regarding rights or concerns about this content should be directed to customer service. (Hide copyright information) A milestone in the effort to implant genetically modified pig hearts into people was passed last week when a team of scientists told a conference that it had kept a baboon alive for up to 40 days with a "humanized" pig heart, the longest period achieved to date. The use of humanized animal organs is being pursued to meet a shortage of donor organs, and when perfected, is expected to make the biggest impact on transplant medicine since anti-rejection drugs. The work was presented by Conrad Vial, of Stanford University, who is working with Imutran, an English company pioneering the use of pig organs humanized by genetic modification. Wouldn't it be easier and cheaper to make organ donation an opt out instead of an opt in?
  11. Purée the onions and celery and you have my method..... *No no stop it Fist, you are working class, talk about tits* Aren't we losing a bit of crunch there bro? Not really needed. We're on about a basic tomato sauce here. Added ingredients will give you the crunch. … breasts. 'breasts' - how middle class.
  12. Purée the onions and celery and you have my method..... *No no stop it Fist, you are working class, talk about tits* Aren't we losing a bit of crunch there bro? Not really needed. We're on about a basic tomato sauce here. Added ingredients will give you the crunch. … breasts.
  13. Purée the onions and celery and you have my method..... *No no stop it Fist, you are working class, talk about tits*
  14. Just slapped myself Discussing recipes on a football forum, in this thread. Oh the irony
  15. Well there's ingredients go in I can use again and again. Tomatoes onions carrots celery garlic wine/stock basil Honest mate that's all you need.
  16. Aye, how the fuck did you spend £14 on making pasta sauce?
  17. I tell you what I consider middle class what I did. Spent £14 this week making my own Dolmio. Was nicer too. Dolmio is a brand. If you made your own it's a ragout. I don't know, uppity plebs Just pasta sauce isn't it? Get it yourself , innit.
  18. I tell you what I consider middle class what I did. Spent £14 this week making my own Dolmio. Was nicer too. Dolmio is a brand. If you made your own it's a ragout. I don't know, uppity plebs
  19. If you're going out, can you pop into Waitrose and grab me some polenta and a bottle of Montrachet? There's a love. Yeah, get a receipt though, I'll put it on my next expenses claim. I used to work with the son of an MP (which is, in itself a middle class statement). He claimed £1 for crossing the Forth Bridge. A quid FFS. Scandal!!! It's free
  20. If you're going out, can you pop into Waitrose and grab me some polenta and a bottle of Montrachet? There's a love.
  21. Tyne Valley and Northumberland past Rothbury (other than the Lakes which I discount cos its full of tourists and yanks) I know we've had this conversation before like so we won't agree. Although I mentioned two parts of Northumberland being nicer than the Tyne Valley imo. Rothbury way being one of them (Northumber National Park / Cheviots etc). It's a canny bit further than 10 miles though. Btw I think the Tyne Valley is lovely but there's a lot of the England countryside on a par with it. Even in terms of looking quite similar. Worcestershire is a very underrated county, and Warwickshire, similar but it's not the same imo. There's about 30 miles of the A696 in to Scotland where you're on the road and you think you're in heaven. Take your lass up it and across the border, with "Love lifts up where we're belong on the stereo" see if you agree. Fuckin hell Stevie How to spoil a nice drive.
  22. Tony Blair was on the right tracks but got it wrong....if he'd said "everyone's middle income nowadays" he'd have been more accurate if you ask me. You can have done the university thing, got a graduate traineeship, made a meteroric rise through the ranks of a ftse top 100 comapany, married Jemima, the Roedean educated daughter of the finance director, got the townhouse,got,got the villa in Tuscany,got the Porsche Cayenne and dozens of immigrant staff to look after the two of you and your 2.4 children and your fuckin golden retreiver....but if you were brought up in Wallsend where your old man worked as a light plater in Swan Hunters and your mam as a dinner lady theres still fuck all middle class about you I disagree tbh But there are very few people working class these days. To put it in perspective, when I was a baby my dad used to have to ride his bike from CLS to Bishop Auckland to get to work as he couldn't afford the bus. Seriously. He used to steal coal off the slag heap to keep the house warm when interest rates went up to 15%, and used to hide from the gas man behind the sofa. These days the 'working classes' have the full sky package, broadband, flat screen, 3 takeaways a week, 2 cars on the drive. Your Dad worked? Pfft, middle class
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