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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Savour it Kevin- it'll be the one and only time you'll be accused of giving a large portion.
  2. Love that the skinny bloke above the s in " soutient" is hitching his bra strap up
  3. Next time you're up there cleaning the windows be sure to trash them, won't you? Never mix business with displeasure.
  4. + = Seen clunge both good and bad when doing hotels good - self explanatory bad- baggy owld gammons
  5. dude, im 17 and need money to fund the social aspects of life. Kevin I worked for McDonalds at 14 to fund the socials aspects of life, at 17 I was paying more in tax per month than you earn in about 4 months You really shouldn't be having a go at anyone else about their job, you will never earn as much as fist does. I thought you had to be 16 to work... weird that, eh Gejon Facebook profile picture is not of you so it's probably nailed on that you're a meff. Stalker. No you post your fucking stupid pizza competiton on here which has your profiled linked. Stupid? I won a fucking pizza. Where did i once say i have a good job? You're talking balls, you can't work out front either because you would be in public and that is illegal, unless you where hired illegally, you dirty little slave monkey. You're a better man than most. Get fucked you little waste of sperm This is advice, as well as an insult.
  6. It's ok Gejon, I'm a big boy. Stick and stones … Besides, I'd be a hypocrite to winge, having ripped it out of Kevin for his Maccy D's "jab".
  7. To die having never niffed the glorious funk of lady sex. Wake up call my little oirish plum.
  8. I've just let out a little sex wee. Beauty!!
  9. hollands centre half in midfield, osman out right where he's completely fucking useless and distin on the pitch this is why evertonians are losing patients with moyes, as i said in the other thread i simple fucking knob like myself can see whats wrong, why cant a premiership manager? May I take this opportunity Gooser, to ask you to pass on to your fellow Toffees a heartfelt sentiment from Newcastle; Have that with bells on Thankyou.
  10. I'm glad Hughton wasn't afraid to play Tiote ahead of Smith. No wonder Smith was keen to get on the field when Lex took his first knock. He must be thinking to himself fucking hell a DM that can play. What the fuck are you on about with Lex and Jello? Lex Steele - big black, oh just google him. Jello B'Afra - guess? Yeah, I'd just call them by their names if I was you. Someone else started it. A big boy? Did he run away after?
  11. I'm glad Hughton wasn't afraid to play Tiote ahead of Smith. No wonder Smith was keen to get on the field when Lex took his first knock. He must be thinking to himself fucking hell a DM that can play. What the fuck are you on about with Lex and Jello? Jello Biafra- Ben Arfa Lex??? Fuck knows Edit; oops too late.
  12. You fucking dancer!! Hatem have it!!
  13. Some please tell me that was his last breath?????? shut it you prick faced cunt before i cut your eyess out you cunt fucker fucking bastard wanker go die And grind them up for onion soup ©skidmark
  14. Blind optimism 1-2 Carroll double. And in my next dream, I'll be going to school with no pants on.
  15. What would make it stick in the craw less is if it was a paying sponsor going on the signs. I wonder what the cost to NUFC is of erecting this free advert for the Fat Mans chav shop?
  16. It's the sound your wallet makes when you earn £30 an hour (declared). Window cleaning isn't brain surgery really, but even the dimmest fuckers I've met know you don't use a brush to do it. Just saying. You got a gold star yet? Fish, no matter how much you big up the job at the end of the day you're cleaning a fucking window Why you bringing Fish into it , Burger Boy?
  17. It's the sound your wallet makes when you earn £30 an hour (declared). Window cleaning isn't brain surgery really, but even the dimmest fuckers I've met know you don't use a brush to do it. Just saying. You got a gold star yet?
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