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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. My wife was gang raped by a troupe of mime artists. They performed unspeakable acts on her. ------------------------------------------------- Are orphans allowed to watch PG movies? ------------------------------------------------- I had sex with a really hot bird a few months ago. Completely ruined christmas dinner.
  2. He's from Teeside- just send him outside for a walk and some "fresh" air. A lightweight when compared to the star of my favourite Teesside headcase story: http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?showtopic=20529 One legged addict=winner
  3. He's from Teeside- just send him outside for a walk and some "fresh" air.
  4. Running out of wisecracks, Fuck-knuckle? Btw, Q;what's a peado? A;waits for the pod to go pop
  5. Monkeys Fist

    In America

    Aye it's a harmless joke, but Leazes thinks it's making a legitmate politcal statement. you presume a lot Isn't the building of a mosque next to Ground Zero also a joke It certainly is, since they're not building one. Not a mosque , not next to GZ.
  6. Once again - your avatar is tremendous. Credit must go to Wubble UC and the milf's parents. All I've done is drool over it. *drool in the biblical sense*
  7. You,sir, are a gent of the highest order.
  8. Wikipedia & .COM suggest the same. That'll explain the police activity- part of a sheep-bothering ring Allegedly One for the Belta Minge thread, shirley. Nee tits on it man. Better? Tits tho, not twats
  9. Wikipedia & .COM suggest the same. That'll explain the police activity- part of a sheep-bothering ring Allegedly One for the Belta Minge thread, shirley. Nee tits on it man.
  10. technically.... you don't get with anything Least of all, womenkind.
  11. I thought these were kevins 'past' and 'present' pics tbh
  12. Lad I work with watched the bottom gif and remarked "I have the same scissors at home"
  13. Again instead of focusing on a topic, you gang together and throw lame remarks toward me based on the fact I used to post on N-O a year ago. You were genuinely funny though, now you've grown up, you've gotten all serious. There was a time when all you wanted to do was smoke doobies, fuck bitches and listen to Hendrix. Now its just politics and religion. Where did it all go wrong? I got into the real world. The Taliban wouldn't let me listen to any music if they had their way. Doobies would be out of the question, and bitches? Forget it. Any pleasure is a sin to the religious zealot. And I'll be fucked if I'll sit around and let them have their way with me. correct
  14. Me aged 2 ( check out the pre-decimalisation prices in the shop window ) I'm second from right and at age 14 on the left
  15. and the NSFW version of the above; it happens....
  16. Not since he discovered this bit of western decadence Works well on pubes as well btw. They drop out past 50 though, don't they?
  17. Wikipedia & .COM suggest the same. That'll explain the police activity- part of a sheep-bothering ring Allegedly
  18. I'd heard he has ancestors from Much Wenlock.
  19. proctalgia fugax no my anus isn't in pain but thanks for your concern. you've got it the wrong way round mate, you are the proctalgia fugax. I was referring to my arse :icon_lol:
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