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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Makes me think of the Shatnertron. shatnotron
  2. What am I meant to be looking at ? (admittedly, looking on my phone, but??) Edit; Aah! Fat munter on path!
  3. For some reason he's really really loaded,worth about £50m.
  4. KD has a knob shaped like a fish?? Bloater.
  5. Phillipe Albert's fruit & veg business is still doing him proud
  6. You sent a picture of your oversized member to Carroll's iPhone? Does the wife know?
  7. Which was? He's 'above average' I believe. That's in penis size, should there be any doubt. He has a big knob? Sure he didn't make a typo?
  8. Yorkshire Puddings with rice? Pervert.
  9. Is he a rapist like? Is J69 the product?
  10. Depends on if it's a euphemism? Eat enough sprouts……
  11. Leftover turkey, homemade chips and pickles usually. If I go for the beef this year I might go for a bit squeak on boxing day.
  12. Wrong. Hope your lass burns your brogues on your fire btw. Preferably while you're still wearing them. The last time I saw you, you were wearing a pair of Edmund Blackadder signature model winklepickers, so you can leave my brogues alone! I forgot about them. Fetching. Pair of wankers tbh. I've still got them, they're fuck all like that, and they still win admiring glances around the notoriously hard to please caravans of Billy Smart's. Fixed
  13. I'd guess the cunts that don't have to make them? What with everything else on the plate, veg, stuffings, meat, who'd have room for them? Me, you pair of cunts. I bet you sit down to wipe. What's wrong with that? Cunt. Eat enough sprouts and you'll find out. Mangina.
  14. Wrong. Hope your lass burns your brogues on your fire btw. Preferably while you're still wearing them. The last time I saw you, you were wearing a pair of Edmund Blackadder signature model winklepickers, so you can leave my brogues alone! I forgot about them. Fetching. Do they come with a squirty flower and spinning bow tie?
  15. I'd guess the cunts that don't have to make them? What with everything else on the plate, veg, stuffings, meat, who'd have room for them? Me, you pair of cunts. I bet you sit down to wipe.
  16. Chances of him being PM after next election.
  17. You should volunteer to do it Wacky, all they'd hear would be a disembodied voice shouting, "Divvent dee it man, woman. He's a knurb!"
  18. I'd guess the cunts that don't have to make them? What with everything else on the plate, veg, stuffings, meat, who'd have room for them?
  19. I eat a load of greens- French beans, spinach, spring cabbage, broccoli. Love em Sprouts are natures little parcels of pumpy goodness. Along with roast potatoes and pigs-in-blankets they're an ever present for Christmas dinner, steamed then finished in butter. Carrots and parsnips , mashed swede,mmmm. Can't wait.
  20. Now there's a thing. This board is already divided over the Standing/Sitting arse wiper debate - can we have a show of hands for the pro-sprout crew please? Buttered with bacon… mmmmmm
  21. Agree with this. Think apart from a few old radicals on either side, most have moved on from this argument. Water under the bridge. Wrong again. I'm neither old nor radical. I agree with Ewerk that the blame lies " somewhere in the middle". I still despise Ashley and what he's doing to our club.
  22. I know you're bottom half of the table, but chin up. Could be worse, you could be a macke……
  23. You getting married like KD?
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