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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. “ Mammy, why is the sweaty man shouting rudies?” ” Come away dear…”
  2. https://www.sammic.co.uk/catalog/dynamic-preparation/bone-saws/sh-182 Not sure how it handles wood, tbh.
  3. A small detail, he says thank you to the driver dropping him off. Top lad.
  4. Didn’t he have paint thrown all over his gaff the other week? Play with fire long enough I guess you’ll get burned.
  5. Tony Bennett, 96. Bit of a legend, all in all, and had some pipes on him. He was my old man’s favourite singer.
  6. Look at the cunt. Absolute toucher. Wouldn’t even be allowed supervised trips off the nonce wing today, never mind being allowed to run a club like us.
  7. All we need now is for Henderson’s butchers in sunderland to start selling halal meat and they’ll go supernova. Ready to Groom seems to think this place is connected to him, but his dad was a copper ( different kind of pork), and the owners of it are called McGill. Usual standards of reality on RTG in action
  8. Trump loses retrial bid in E Jean Carroll defamation case https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-66249529 The rapist has had his spurious “appeal” kicked to fuck. The rapist Donald Trump.
  9. Just get the lass above to turn out for the game.
  10. I thought they were already owned by a billionaire, though?
  11. If T-Rex goes there it’ll be like a 100 megaton shitbomb dropping on wearside ( not that anyone would notice any difference).
  12. How many of these knuckledraggers would turn down/or already are/ have been, oil workers in the Gulf?
  13. Quinnys- High Tonnage, High Speed …over a yard.
  14. 8yr old me had a burning hatred for Gordon fucking Lee that has not dimmed
  15. Marcelinos International Hauliers- “We’re cheap because we just never turn up. “
  16. MTG has a suitably rancid pornalike, I’ve covered the gizzards but the following is still NSFW! Look away if you want your tea unspoilt in… 3… 2… 1… Marjorie Her rancid pornalike… She’s not my cup of tea at all, but I’m sure some of you might like to strangle the bald ferret to such a delightful lady. ( what happened to the spoiler box option btw?)
  17. Yes, in case anyone is wondering.
  18. I don’t plan on sticking around much longer than 6 months - this seems to be the minimum expected experience for Class 2 at reputable companies, so once I’ve got that I’m off. From Alex’s tales, I’d say the handover from father to Flash Batman’s Mate (?) would’ve been the last time the fleet was updated. I drove a truck on a paper tacho the other day
  19. Given’s Haulage - “ We deliver anywhere except Dublin”.
  20. Just got a start at a local haulage company with the same name as a former player of ours. It’s notorious for having an absolute wreck of a fleet, and so far, it seems entirely deserved. Does have a nice dissection room though…
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