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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I feel as gutted about this as I did when Shearer fucked himself in that daft preseason tourny at Everton.
  2. If that happened, dogs throughout Europe would be driven mental by the high pitched nasal whining coming out of Merseyside.
  3. Second only to Carla here's stand up on the big boat.
  4. Add smokey bacon at the onion stage. Makes all the difference.
  5. If it carries on, the PL should go ahead with it anyway. Fuck the FA and FIFA.
  6. Boys from the Blackstuff is on BBC4 tonight. Timely reminder of the fun to come under "the best PM of my lifetime"©CT.
  7. Even if today's fuck knuckle gets demoted, it doesn't really help us though does it. The decisions need to be made on the spot, whilst the game is being played. Had that been the case today, whilst we would still have one crocked player, the result would've been very different.
  8. In keeping with today's financial climate- Double Dip.
  9. Time to raise the fucking obvious ( to everyone but the FA) solution again. Real time replays, each side having a fixed number they can question. 4th official being able to alert ref to any contentious decisions. Boils my piss that the stubborn fucks won't use it.
  10. Ryan Giggs to the right of Fatty! Edit: apropos of nowt really, but I never realised that Giggs was mixed race.
  11. You going to N-O or Skunkers? RTG. Home soil.
  12. You fucking tit. What are you doing here, seriously? you can't fucking see it? It's fucking obvious. You say this to me come may, eh? We may well get relegated and it may be down to Hughtons tactics but none of them today can be questioned. Nolan? Perch? Ameobi? You're saying them decisions cannot be questioned? That's selection, not tactics K-Dogg. Get with the programme. Okay then, time to question tactics. Nolan behind shola? no no no. Barfa out the right wing? no no no. Shola lone striker? no no no. What would you have done? Barfa behind Carroll and Lovenkrands. Nolan dropped, Raylor on instead of fucking perch 3 man attack away from home? Good stuff Kevin. And one of those three carrying a knock
  13. You fucking tit. What are you doing here, seriously? you can't fucking see it? It's fucking obvious. You say this to me come may, eh? We may well get relegated and it may be down to Hughtons tactics but none of them today can be questioned. Nolan? Perch? Ameobi? You're saying them decisions cannot be questioned? That's selection, not tactics K-Dogg. Get with the programme. Okay then, time to question tactics. Nolan behind shola? no no no. Barfa out the right wing? no no no. Shola lone striker? no no no. What would you have done?
  14. 2 games on the trot where a dirty cheating bastard on the opposition gets away with murder ( Henry last week, de Jong today). Nowt will be said in the Meeja. Of course, if Barton raises more than an eyebrow against Wigan………
  15. Any news on Collo injury? Good job we brought in all those players over the summer, eh Mike.
  16. Increase in burger sales??? I dont know i got called in on friday aswell, fuck sake : clearly want to work otherwise you'd have said no not coming in. i really don't want to? i dont want to say no im not coming in. WGAF.
  17. loved by students hated by everyone else Think Fish is on about Macintyre there. Are you?
  18. fuck fuck fucker, hoy fucker, pop, fuck FUCK!, fucker, oh no I've said too much... :icon_lol: "How do I feel after a song? Absolutely FUCKED" Legendary.
  19. Ryder Cup, you massive gayer for assuming that Aye, Stephen Hawkings, the shows listed in the OP, with a wee break for t'interfilth. X-factor………
  20. Wor Dutty doesn't look overly chuffed.
  21. 10pm- The Nazi Titanic, tells the little known story of the greatest maritime loss of life. 9000 people died when the S.S.Wilhelm Gustoff , carrying civilians,was sunk by a Russian sub Followed by 11.05pm. Black Book ( 2006, P.Verhoeven) Excellent film about a Dutch Jewish woman who joins the Resistance after her family are killed, and is detailed to seduce a Nazi officer in order to gain info. Very good.
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