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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Tis only the beginning. This is the gentle slap, preparing the ground for the almighty kick in the jewels to come. " Look, we've even targeted our own support, so the plebs can't complain"
  2. Wrong again Do you break the £44k threshold though? Cant really take anyone srious on this issue who doesnt at least see this as a very good first move. Well off people dont need benefits. What about those with a household income of 80k? Thats why I said "first move". Lets look at the facts. 85% of people currently receiving child benefit wont be affected by this. of the ones who are, there will be some oddities as you describe. These will be miniscule. To make this change problem free you would then have to start means testing every family, filling in forms, more wasted in pen pushing than would probably be saved. I would rather see the 1 billion saving than get all heated up over the few exceptions. You have similar oddities in most current tax systems now. Hopefully this is just the sort of thing that will be tidied up when the single benefit comes in. I can see this being really painful for single-earning familes with several kids tbh, I don't think the 'oddities will be miniscule' either. Easy to applaud it when it doesn't affect you though (assuming you don't declare wages in excess of £44k). This is going to piss off a lot of Conservative voters actually, so in a way I applaud Cameron for being brave. You absolute tit, it only effects people paying higher rate tax!!!!! Yes you have a legal eagle wife and a cushy public sector job so some "poor bint" on plus £45,000 will probably seem hard done by to you Go and tell your little sob story to the majority who are on piss poor wages and see how much sympathy you get. Fucking astounding! Cameron could get up tomorrow and announce he had cured cancer and your response would simply be "What about the blind, he's done fuck all for the blind. You are an absolute tool of the highest order Chomp chompity chomp. Chomp chomp.
  3. Took me a second or two to realise the ref was a Fraulein! I'm slacking!
  4. The town centre has several interesting/nice buildings. They are, however, like diamonds in a field of vomit. It's not so much the architecture which let's it down, as the feeling you have walked into a poundshop theme park. The general air of neglect is overpowering. None of which is helped by the fact it's populated with the most backward, racist, bitter sub-humans on the planet. Durham is nice though.
  5. I'll bet he's heard of Boris Johnson. Next username methinks?
  6. Aged 95. Mr. Grimsda.... Ugh.
  7. Watching it his ankle briefly appears to bend horribly, but that could be due to his entire lower leg being out of line. The encouraging thing is that no mention has been made of any other damage than the break.
  8. Cunt indeed, I'd be getting my lass rohypnolled for a threesome.
  9. "You just have to look where the fucking ball is as he's still smashing into Ben Arfa's legs to see what it was like," Fucking amen to that.
  10. I'm guessing you mean a STD. Good one, I take it you thought of that yourself? No your mum gave it to me. Saying you referred to my mother to my mother as a prostitute in the first post you then go on to say you had intercourse with my mother, which tells me you're sexually frustrated and would shag a whore. Made yourself look stupid, eh? To be sure, to be sure.
  11. Boxing Day. Wonder if Tiote has a little black book?
  12. Well there's a fucking shock. Useless arsewipes.
  13. That's the rumour going round Forest Hall
  14. Did you see their verdict on the De Jong leg breaker?
  15. "just one of those things" MOTD's verdict on the dirty cunt's challenge. Fucking shit kickers.
  16. Been the match today come back from the pub Pervert. Watching 11 scouse puffs getting publicly raped.
  17. Sickening isn't it? That was made worst by it being the same day the that Sir Les was sold to spurs. Aye. Whatever slight optimism I had for this season has been severely dented, much like then.
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