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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I find it difficult to believe you could hack your way into a potato tbh
  2. which silm is that from? The 'silm' ( one handed typing is tricky like ) is called 'Ask the Dusk' never heard of it. And now ,for dessert, Salma and Penelope in basques I have died and gone to heaven
  3. couldn't resist- Salma all wet n salty :icon_lol:
  4. He was apparently one of the "boys" involved in shoving a mobile phone up Ashely Coles arse and ringing it. I refer you to my previous post Can we get back to bouncing breastaculars ?
  5. Whooshed me there like Holden. It's been a long day
  6. Sounds like Westwood to me like. Go and ask for an autograph. What's black and doesn't work? Westwood's accent innit?
  7. One of the best guitar pieces written imho ff to 1:15 to miss spoken intro
  8. I think the "why would you want to go there?" can be applied to most places but the failure of Mackems to recognise Newcastle as by far the regional hub is quite amusing. Especially when they start bleating about regeneration. When I was young me nana used to get the provvy man for Christmas presents. He'd come to the door, and not every shop took these provvy vouchers not many did. Joblings in Sunderland did, and that's the only reason I ever went there as a kid. Even then you just had to see it, it's had a bit of a face lift since then and it's still fuckin shit so imagine what it was like then. Obviously I worked there later on in my life and was always accused of being condescending about it. It really is losersville, there are few interesting people, the restaurants are scruffy, 9/10 lads and lasses are complete charvas and they do fuck all about it. Just say no. I always associate Lion Bars with there for some reason. Why? I used to quite like Lion bars but I've not had one in ages. I'd see them more as a Double-Decker or a Boost, a middling chocolate bar that's no-ones favourite. I think I always got a Lion Bar when I went there, and there was a similar bar of chocolate that you cant get now with nuts I got when I went there. Topic's too remember thems. Star Bar? You can still get Star Bar's, I had one yesterday. Very nice too. They called them Peanut Boost for a while but they've gone back to Star Bar now. I'd add that theres nowt wrong with Double Deckers either, bliddy chocolate nazis
  9. When I moved to Forest Hall I signed up with a new dentist. He was the double of this guy; When me and Mrs. Fist went for our check ups I used to piss myself laughing, couldn't get "Bowm-chikka-wow" porn music out of my head.
  10. That's just sick man! You should try it. I have. Giggedee goo
  11. Exactly the same description of the lass that pulled mine out, oo er, in London. She looked like an owl. Bet she's a hoot … I'll get me coat.
  12. Don't know what sort of pyramids you're used to. Prefer to think of them more like Razzle 'stacks' anyway. Particularly when they contain a bunch of quims arguing with each other. No names mentioned. "Who is that Masked Quim?" And CT, is it a step in the right direction? Two answers ; 1) to getting rid of the Torys, yes, carry on Dave. We're well overdue a civil war. 2) as a point of principle, no.
  13. So why has Dave spent the day apologising?
  14. "Giant"killers Minutes silence please.
  15. Without adding to the quote pyramid CT, as I said earlier in the thread, I think this was meant to be his "look,aren't we playing fair" card before he proceeds to rape those who are already on their knees. By the looks if it, backfired spectacularly.
  16. Monkeys Fist


    He still doesn't fucking get it, does he? Kevin, when you walk do you have to hold your breath, or can you do both at once?
  17. This is the crux of the debate on here. There are those that simply think this is the nasty evil tory party out to fuck people over. the majority on here Then there are those who think the Tories under Cameron are a pretty decent lot and are really trying to get the country sorted out.you Neither side will convince the other. However anyone who heard Ian Duncan Smiths's speech today cant help but have been moved by his unyielding honesty and desire to sort out the welfare system. Putting aside the cuts, which are unavoidable, I think the only ones who need fear under this government are the benefit system players and those responsible for waste in the public sector.yeah, lets put aside the cuts eh, then everythings rosy. ffs man, its all about the cuts The cuts were going to come whoever was in power. Even Red Ed is saying that he would have simply delayed them for a few years. Can you imagine Labour after 3 years in power and on the run in to a general election suddenly deciding the time was right to take the right action. Ofcourse not, they would have simply fudged and put it off again, all the while dragging the country even further down the shitter. From a political point of view, the only time any party in power could take this action is at the start of their term in office. This at least gives that party the chance to reap the benefit of the action taken. The fact that the "majority" on here are anti tory is meaningless tbf. There are quite a few young uns, who know little of the world, quite a few of the Guardian brigade like Renton and others like NJS, Alex and possible yourself who have and always will hate the Tories. There are quite a few older wiser members on here who are not as entrenched in their views. Patronised by a cabby, oh me oh my So, since you are old, wise and not at all entrenched in your views, you'll admit that Normal Dave lied outright when they said before the election they would not touch child benefit The best PM of your lifetime is a dirty fibber Correct? Im not sure he did say that? I do however remember him saying their would be cuts and that the exact cuts would be worked out when they took over from Labour. Think the Tories were the only honest party about cuts at the election. Ffs sake man, keep up. He's your dreamboat. "David Cameron was forced today to apologise to voters for breaking an election promise with his decision to withdraw child benefit from 1.2 million higher-rate taxpayers. On a day of jitters and policy wobbles in the Conservative high command, the prime minister acknowledged the decision – announced on Monday by the chancellor, George Osborne – had led to a storm of criticism from those claiming that the axing of child benefit had damaged the party's commitment to family values and undermined the universalist base of the welfare state, something he had promised to preserve in the election." http://m.guardian.co.uk/?id=102202&sto...ild-benefit-cut
  18. "Speak up caller, you're through."
  19. Monkeys Fist


    Nothing. "You can pretend to be serious; you can’t pretend to be witty." - Sacha Guitry
  20. This is the crux of the debate on here. There are those that simply think this is the nasty evil tory party out to fuck people over. the majority on here Then there are those who think the Tories under Cameron are a pretty decent lot and are really trying to get the country sorted out.you Neither side will convince the other. However anyone who heard Ian Duncan Smiths's speech today cant help but have been moved by his unyielding honesty and desire to sort out the welfare system. Putting aside the cuts, which are unavoidable, I think the only ones who need fear under this government are the benefit system players and those responsible for waste in the public sector.yeah, lets put aside the cuts eh, then everythings rosy. ffs man, its all about the cuts The cuts were going to come whoever was in power. Even Red Ed is saying that he would have simply delayed them for a few years. Can you imagine Labour after 3 years in power and on the run in to a general election suddenly deciding the time was right to take the right action. Ofcourse not, they would have simply fudged and put it off again, all the while dragging the country even further down the shitter. From a political point of view, the only time any party in power could take this action is at the start of their term in office. This at least gives that party the chance to reap the benefit of the action taken. The fact that the "majority" on here are anti tory is meaningless tbf. There are quite a few young uns, who know little of the world, quite a few of the Guardian brigade like Renton and others like NJS, Alex and possible yourself who have and always will hate the Tories. There are quite a few older wiser members on here who are not as entrenched in their views. Patronised by a cabby, oh me oh my So, since you are old, wise and not at all entrenched in your views, you'll admit that Normal Dave lied outright when they said before the election they would not touch child benefit The best PM of your lifetime is a dirty fibber Correct?
  21. This is the crux of the debate on here. There are those that simply think this is the nasty evil tory party out to fuck people over. the majority on here Then there are those who think the Tories under Cameron are a pretty decent lot and are really trying to get the country sorted out.you Neither side will convince the other. However anyone who heard Ian Duncan Smiths's speech today cant help but have been moved by his unyielding honesty and desire to sort out the welfare system. Putting aside the cuts, which are unavoidable, I think the only ones who need fear under this government are the benefit system players and those responsible for waste in the public sector.yeah, lets put aside the cuts eh, then everythings rosy. ffs man, its all about the cuts
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