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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I agree, minge is a serious business, not to be abused by such frippery. Get a grip lads. ( innuendo set-up right there. ) Here you go;
  2. You'll make Jigsaws Juggernaut all jealous.
  3. What they need is support from a national newspaper. Something like, ooooooh, The Sun.
  4. More inbetweeners clunge And this jammy bastard is banging Wills Mam…
  5. The Dog Botherer? Admitted in his book that he went out to 'do' Haaland, didnt he?
  6. Central Library isn't it. Like the first and third one.
  7. Harper? Can't think of too many keepers that went into management , Zoff and our very own McFaul. Edit; knew Harper had a degree, I didn't realise he's also a qualified ref!
  8. Maybe you should stop watching the X Factor and educate yourself as to what equals actual quality TV programming. It's obviously some old boring "comedy" shite. Tis, to be sure to be sure.
  9. "The Liverpool Way" Whining like a stuck pig?
  10. Your approval is always welcome Ewerk. I would sell my kids for one night with Salma.
  11. Was it the wetherspoons with the huge fish tank behind the bar, or the one with the stuffed lion?
  12. Get out into Derry and suck cocks for cash. With your looks you should be able to charge, oooooooooh , about £1 a go.
  13. I think (like Hughton) he was a RB. Before my time like but both ex-Spurs / RoI too. Apparently also managed India and Nepal. Rispeck Joe.
  14. Do they think they just have to turnip to win?
  15. "Airport"? Go on then… I'm on the stupid pills this week. Edit ; D'oh!!
  16. Souness was a cunt of a player and cunt of manager - so sometimes nothing changes. JFK; "Where's Graeme Souness?" GS; " Here" JFK; "You're a cunt..." Wasn't JFK a defender?
  17. Fantastic shot that Jawd. There's a classic climb on Peel crag ( the cliff in the foreground) called Sunset. ( I realise this is sunrise but ,hey...) Love this
  18. It's man stuff, you wouldn't understand
  19. drop me a pm pud- Ill send you some stuff explaining the existential angst of early humans and its effect on the development of the human brain. Like Kevin, I'm fucked if I understand a word of it, but I can send you it.
  20. I remember seeing that chart when visiting a relative in hospital when we were kids. Me and by brother thought it was the funniest thing ever. It's like the menu card from a box of Netto chocolates
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