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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I do enjoy a bit of Prick Chicken with my rice and peas.
  2. Nah, the miners came back up.
  3. Whoever it is on that roof wants their ropes cutting.
  4. Cause the only decent uni's in ireland are in belfast (NI) and i want to stay close. Northumbria - cause they do my course, i know loads that go there, and last, but not least, ze mighty toon ... oh and i want a change from ireland Where'd you get that idea? lol indeed pretty sure UCD and Trinity are pretty well rated, Trinity was good enough for Martin Sheen! going on some of your posts on here kevin (the technical ones i mean), "proper" hacking which i'd hope that ethical hacking course is i'd safely say beyond you, unless its how to find xss and injection attacks which is a piece of piss. as for Networking not making you cash and being easy, if you'd any idea how hard it is to become a CCIE and the cash you get from that you'd reconsider. I'm not up for going down south, up north just, Queens and JT are the only real decent ones. I'm just guessing networking isn't the best cause of the entry requirements? I would've thought Ethical Hacking would've been way beyond me, but computer forensics sounds really good. Where abouts is Northumbria uni anyway in newcastle? Near haymarket. Does that help?
  5. Congratulations. You kept that quiet.
  6. Thick as mince and has no imagination. Genuine answer.
  7. £20 says Kev ends up on "Computing & Networking". £20 says its better paying than a window cleaner. I'll have that bet you silly little boy.
  8. £20 says Kev ends up on "Computing & Networking".
  9. Belta Minge Thread ? Did she go for your sense of humour Fish? well it wasn't my good looks or personality so.... Couldve been your huge wanger…… …Wait
  10. Belta Minge Thread ? Did she go for your sense of humour Fish?
  11. Fish positively gagging for Sammy to post these pics. Not the only one!
  12. I couldn't possibly comment...... Everything's bigger in Texas.
  13. Toughguymick is lurking Might sign him up to national geographic.
  14. They did though, didn't they? Jeff Heart heads drilling team
  15. You were given ample warning but you persisted. No-one but yourself is responsible for any of the vile shite that any of our regulars choose to sign you up for. wahey!!!
  16. Did you miss them last time? Top totty. Someone likened her to Karen Brady, if Karen Brady was younger,fitter and a woman.
  17. Good luck Jimbo. In 12 months you'll be 25 stone+ Can I have your telly?
  18. Sad state of affairs when Rio is the brains of the family Eh? Is that story for real?
  19. It seems that painter's gravy train has come to an end- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/edinbu...ast/7250560.stm In short, they've invented a longer lasting paint.
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