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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I give in… it's late.
  2. fucking hell Nice avatar Edit; fucking hell indeed! I don't see what Stevie's problem is with The Fish?
  3. Or, we could do what we normally do with unwanted waste....
  4. Good point raised in another thread CT- if Thatcher croaks soon, should we spend anything giving the old witch a state funeral? Times is hard and that.
  5. I read this as "Happy Days, actor Tom Bosley dies" and thought, bit harsh...
  6. Be a bit much on the day he's announcing all the cut-backs. Off the Ark Royal.
  7. Redknapp accepted the job, then his Mrs. Put the blocks on it as she didn't want to move "Ap Norf". ITK. 1point.
  8. Stab in the dark- Rooney knows when Ferguson intends to retire, and is getting gone before it happens.
  9. Technically a five-way, as I class Nigella's top bollocks as separate entities ( no pun intended).
  10. Beeny, would have to be in the one week of the year she's not pregnant though.
  11. I think when you've met someone off the net and they post on the board that you do, it's gonna very difficult to call them a total nob, coupled with the fact you're a superb diplomat I'll take the comments on their own merits. I knew you were going to post that. Physics.
  12. "y2k" That must've sent a cold shudder down Pud's spine. I remember when all the computers went mental at the millennium…… .……wait.
  13. She was looking mighty fine on Friday I noticed too. All legs and zips this morning- minx!!
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