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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. aye, any rivers going would be nice. cheers
  2. Carpet clashes badly with the wallpaper tbh
  3. Look at the lumps on her ears. Freaky
  4. This was all fields when I was a lad.
  5. Which says more about than anything else you've posted.
  6. Saw a report about this on Look North. Said he was lifted from a holiday cottage in Burradon. That's the most shocking aspect of this- a Holiday cottage in Burradon ? FFS
  7. You first. Basically means the price of eggs is set to double. Next.
  8. Sorry to hear that and hope you avoid it. What does your place do? Sack people, mostly. In a nutshell, we are public sector advisors. So it's hardly surprising. Fingers crossed your in the lucky 50%
  9. I'm reading Stephen Hawkings' latest paper about anti-gravity. Can't put it down.
  10. Going after young, hotter males. Kevin, the quality of tache out tonight is woeful. Even you would think twice. And you've never seen a real snapper.
  11. Well, so far it's been a trip back to the early 80s. Stinky old rockers everywhere. Not the best night out I've had. "Where all the poontang?"
  12. I'd heard you struggle with the instructions for you diddlydo. na i bought t simpler model from asda. see you were the weirdo following me along the beach with t camcorder I was filming the pretty seagulls, You may have drifted into frame every other second purely by chance. M'Lud
  13. They'd never go for it mate. Italian ice cream is way better.
  14. regrettably already has a pearl necklace. Not the only pair of tits from Ponteland mentioned on here today.
  15. I'd heard you struggle with the instructions for you diddlydo.
  16. Minutes silence for the poor, put upon Dippers. As we all know, LFC has a spotless Hooligan record in Europe. *don't mention Heysel, he'll cry*
  17. I'd rather have my house. Bollocks man, I'd rather have Nigella. She's worth a fuckin' MINT!! The one with the hole? Hopefully, quite a tight one!!! Thread just got creepy. Just?
  18. Peter Beardsley isn't management material Tom. Seriously. He isn't Agreed. Would cost the TV companies a fortune reinforcing their camera lens' too.
  19. * Cop taps on car window * Officer: "Wind the window down please sir" Gazza: "All right mate, how's it ganning!" Officer: "You were observed driving erratically and over the speed limit, sir. What's your explanation for this?" Gazza: "Ah howay man, you'll have to speak to me agent here." * Puts toy parrot up to window * Toy Parrot: "Fuck off pig! Fuck off pig!" Officer: "Step out of the car, now. And keep your hands where I can see them."
  20. Can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink and all that... Just shows how ahead of the curve I was with all this. Once it became apparrent that opposition was not going to change anything they should have taken my advice and built on the good will and member base and delivered a really good supporters club. (something that tbf is scandalous a club like ours does not have). Instead, madness descended, ego battles commenced and I dare say without any change in direction, NUST will vanish without a trace very soon. Its probably a shame that they did not hold the elections, prior to membership renewal, as this would have allowed members to stand who offered something different. Now its probably on mates and apathetics who are left and as such there will be no change. Shame when all is said and done. I have to say I totally agree with you. Aye, for once, me too If you ran for chairman CT ,I reckon you'd be the best in my lifetime I would. And you'd be guaranteed a canny pre match pint at reasonable rates with topless bar staff in the supporters bar Would it accept Giros?
  21. Can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink and all that... Just shows how ahead of the curve I was with all this. Once it became apparrent that opposition was not going to change anything they should have taken my advice and built on the good will and member base and delivered a really good supporters club. (something that tbf is scandalous a club like ours does not have). Instead, madness descended, ego battles commenced and I dare say without any change in direction, NUST will vanish without a trace very soon. Its probably a shame that they did not hold the elections, prior to membership renewal, as this would have allowed members to stand who offered something different. Now its probably on mates and apathetics who are left and as such there will be no change. Shame when all is said and done. I have to say I totally agree with you. Aye, for once, me too If you ran for chairman CT ,I reckon you'd be the best in my lifetime
  22. As it happens, yes. next question, spunkbubble
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