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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Who's Deby? Belta Minge or Borderline Boiler?
  2. Cheers mate,dont worry he's only 17 and has a lot of growing up to do. and please stop quoting him. some of us have him on ignore and reading his posts make my eyes bleed... This. Regarding the OP, no great surprise Shearer didn't make it, as it was a "public" poll- mostly S.E. based reds replying.
  3. And that's why your "mate" writes for him, not you.
  4. 1968, so, according to Shackbleep, Fairs Cup Winners. Mind you, born in July, so is that 67/68 season or 68/69?
  5. You decorate your penis for derby games? Porvort.
  6. I have that much hate going through me when it comes to newcastle united i cant even respond properly lol ..... You are just cunts !!! Aye, blame the hate.
  7. I'm not saying Mrs. Fist is fat but when she sings, it stops.
  8. Mrs. Fist said she is leaving me because I'm too kinky in the bedroom. If it hadn't been for the Gimp mask,I'd have spat her piss out in shock.
  9. On ready to go one of them said if they were closer to the main railway line they would be the economic powerhouse in the North East. Great stuff. Until 1995 they used to run away screaming from the "Iron Horse". I pity them really.
  10. Says it all really. Indeed If the highlight of their footballing life is a narrow home win against a side that were in fucking freefall then it cements all the opinions about them being bitter for living in our shadow. Greatest day of my footballing life was when Ned Kelly scored against Pompey back in 1992. But then i'm obsessed with Newcastle winning, not Sunderland losing. I reckon you are obsessed with the fact that we are obsessed !!! BUT YES beating newcastle means more to us than any game of football ...we are always reminded day to day that we live in your shadow (and not just footy) SO to beat you means everything to us.....EVERYTHING !!!! Get a fucking grip man! HAWAY then whats wrong with that .....serious question ??? It's fucking ridiculous that's what's wrong with it. I honestly couldn't give a fuck about what happens to your team and beating West Ham last weekend was just as satisfying as if we beat you on Sunday. The only extra emotion I'd have would have is a smirk at the fact that losing to us would absolutely fucking destroy you lot - that's what's wrong. I've supported NUFC for 30 years and seen various promotions and relegations by both clubs. Nothing will ever be as pathetic as your carry on on the last day of 08/09 though. You lost at home but knew you were already safe because Hull had already lost - therefore our result was academic. You barely made a peep when the Hull result was announced and your survival was confirmed however when you found out we'd gone down, the SOS erupted. Fucking pathetic man! Aye,
  11. Not really bad taste, but… - Knock knock. - Who's there? - Ringo Starr's most complicated drumming.
  12. Says it all really. Indeed If the highlight of their footballing life is a narrow home win against a side that were in fucking freefall then it cements all the opinions about them being bitter for living in our shadow. Greatest day of my footballing life was when Ned Kelly scored against Pompey back in 1992. But then i'm obsessed with Newcastle winning, not Sunderland losing. I reckon you are obsessed with the fact that we are obsessed !!! BUT YES beating newcastle means more to us than any game of football ...we are always reminded day to day that we live in your shadow (and not just footy) SO to beat you means everything to us.....EVERYTHING !!!! Get a fucking grip man! Reminds me of the pic of that kid colouring in. He fucking LOVES colouring in like beating us means EVERYTHING This? Course, you'd have to adjust the skin tones to make it acceptable Mackem viewing
  13. Took a dyslexic girl home last night. She ended up cooking my sock.
  14. Wahey!! Uncle Fish! It's a babby fest on here at the moment.
  15. Has he still got the Center Parting?
  16. The difference between hermoseckshoeality and belta minge being the clear daylight in the biffens bridge vicinity. To be clear- there's nee bollocks hanging in front of it.
  17. With the munter hiding behind the post to the right, it's almost a classic "2 ends of the spectrum". You could crack walnuts in that arse mind
  18. I heard you the first time Senile owld git
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