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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Have a read of this. Should do the trick. Or walk.
  2. You could have got one in the right size. The fucking Lugs on that! You half hobbit?
  3. Is it just me or has this mornings crisp, winter sun got a Black &White tinge to it?
  4. Learning requires thought processing and basic intelligence. Genetically impossible for a sister shagger.
  5. Do you think BBC booked the little shite, expecting the mutants to win today?
  6. on the floor laughing me tits of I'll fucking bet you are Fucking funny were you get that from? Not good to look at but fucking funny Hacked your email Found it in the "My Pictures" folder. Now fuck off you dullard.
  7. Its Geordies thick as pig shit mind you Newcastle got a name in USA now the black dude from black eyed peas shagging "Mrs Cole". Not John Lennon but at least Newcastle on the map now can we please ban this piss poor wum? he trots out the same tired old lines, just like this one which is pretty much a carbon copy of a previous post in his "look at me" thread. oh and he still won't admit that he's a liar. Aye, he's an utter chinsplash. Ignore Club , The Sequel?
  8. It's a fucking Ratboy love in! 5-1. 5 fucking 1.
  9. on the floor laughing me tits of I'll fucking bet you are
  10. Do you find it a struggle to breath and walk at the same time. Get off our board man. Go post your drivel on a Dippers board. You actually won a match today you mong. Go celebrate with some friends…… …aah, oops.
  11. Utterly outclassed, outplayed, out fought them for 90 minutes. Even Pimp Daddy bitch slapped Potato Head in the sartorial elegance stakes.
  12. Its true a park separates us, but its true Liverpool fans and Everton fans can sit together and enjoy the game. Thats were the friendly derby comes into play. Not bad for a city that has won the English league more than anyone else. Some wankers on here have ago at Liverpool because they are jealous of our pride. Don't forget Liverpool sold the most records (The beatles) at music and created the best football teams so they got a right to be jealous hey lads? So to cap it of Liverpool done the music and the football so have a bit of fucking respect hey lads. Eat my Black & White turds you filthy Dipper. Nuf Rispeck?
  13. Did the young 'un enjoy his first match then?
  14. "Now I am become Shola, destroyer of Mackems."
  15. I've posted in the other games thread and I've posted on other forums pal. Anyway more people posting in here fucking christmas come early for the geordies winning 5-1 against their mates. I'm not some sad twat who sits on me PC allday by the way I'm hung over from last night. Course you're not toughguy, course you're not.
  16. Didn't your mob win today? Why are posting on here?
  17. Arise Sir Foluwashola Ameobi. For services to Mackem destruction.
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