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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. "Made" on Melbourne St. this week. Also Harry's opposite the Telegraph is good. If you've got plenty of time, or are with the nippers, Northside Diner on the 3rd floor of Fenwicks does excellent handmade burgers.
  2. Latest scores ; L.Allen 2 - K. McCann 1 *I know , it is the BAD taste thread though*
  3. is this the Andy Pandy forum Aww did poor Leazy Weasy have his grumpy wumpy head on last night? At least it was a more informative post than most of yours. He's just a miserable old ****y wunty. (Sorry worry. ) FYP
  4. Don't you know.................??? I apologise.
  5. I'd rather see Ranger get the chance to develop.
  6. No, but Jim Carrey in the Mask costume is , 3 steps ahead of her.
  7. Mate of mine had £1 on 5-0 at 75/1. Needless to say he wasn't one of those cheering Bent's goal.
  8. I've been on here and other boards since almost day 1 mate, obviously including when we were playing in the Champions League and buying the top players that got us there. Where have you been ? Just tell me what rubbish I'm spouting. I'm spouting facts. Obviously so far as muslims are concerned, it will take time, but I'm sadly confident that I am right. They are winning, Islam will rule the world through weight of numbers but the softies are accelerating it, and I don't like people coming to this country telling me what I can and can't say then turn around and say their "homeland" is elsewhere. Especially when they heckle our troops and haven't got the balls to go out and fight them in situations when they can retaliate. 1st point) Pretty much the same, just not posting as much. I joined sometime in '02 I think . I was also here or hereabouts when it slowly started to go wrong and when Ashley completed the great NUFC fuck-up '05-'09. Don't for a second think I'm fairweather, mate. I'm just younger. 2nd point) Again, I'm neither saying you're wrong or spouting rubbish. In certain areas I actually agree with you. I'm a paranoid sod at times and also worried about the future but you come across as, whether you intend to or not, as curmudgeonly (sp?), blinkered and disagreeable. You're nowhere to be seen when times look good (or better at least for the time being) and only seem to pipe up when money, poor performances or past experiences are mentioned. You're probably a lovely bloke in real life and you believe you're telling the truth as you see it, but by god you don't come across well on here. Although some posters on here hold you in high esteem so I perhaps missing something. A reasoned, well explained reply by Wavey Davey, expressed clearly and precisely. This board is going to the dogs
  9. WTF? Rafa been hitting the Grappa?
  10. No, I'm in Melbourne now. I'm trying to convince someone to join me and although she sounds pretty keen the big sticking point is that she hates flying and the idea of being on a plane for pretty much a full day does not appeal. Aah! She needs a reason to go which is compelling enough to override her fear of flying- send her some pics of you nuts deep in various marsupials. Explain that in her continued absence you will be forced to move on to saltwater crocs, and only her lady love can avert this disaster. Then send her flight details. *of course, if the 'she' in question is Ma Walliver, this approach may cause more problems than it solves, in which case, you're on your own mate*
  11. or just Five past Sunderland? Oops :spinwank:
  12. Surprised Pearce didn't make the defenders list. We've hardly been spoilt in that area over the years.
  13. It may be harsh on Barnes but his arms moved faster than his legs when he played for us !!! Harsh? Nah.
  14. I agree. Liverpool will always be in Europe. It would be pointless moving the city brick by brick to South America.
  15. Quality At 12:55pm ask him the time. Then run away giggling when he answers
  16. i would be amazed if nolan got a call up, but if kevin davies can, why not? Not as amazed as Nolan would be
  17. Given the pittance on offer, i can only see Beardsley getting the "in-house" move.
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