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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Aye, I thought the older ,slower one was more fitting though
  2. to be fair his divorce cost him and arm and a leg..
  3. You can get a knob wrap here. And from a Greek, too. They've got thousands of years of practice. Count me in. "freshly ground here at “The Knob!”
  4. I'd go- 1) to get a chase off a T Rex. 2) to see Krakatoa blow. 3) to before the last ice age( to see if Graham Hancock is right). 4) to ancient Rome 5) to 10 o'clock next Saturday with a pen and paper
  5. Expect to see this on special at the club bars. Mayhem will follow.
  6. Does anyone want three Friends DVD boxsets? I'm more excited about the free Basketball net. The manky toe is a bit bleurch.
  7. Gyan reminded me a bit of Martins. Same shaped head, if i can say that. He looked in his mid 30s too. Headism! Chez treading a fine line in his adidas jackboots. Word is you're favourite art is pointillism
  8. Gyan reminded me a bit of Martins. Same shaped head, if i can say that. He looked in his mid 30s too. Headism!
  9. If anyone has a copy of today's Journal, I've been told to go to page 63 and check the sports equipment ads. I'm nowhere near a newsagent , so can anyone do the honours and get a pic up?
  10. A pal on FB has just pointed out that anyone living on Hartburn Drive, Chapel Park, is this weeks postcode lottery winner- NE5 1SU. brilliant!
  11. Doc told Lily, "it's alright… still" I'll stop now- sickened myself tbh
  12. Just realised the mackems could've counted all Sundays goals on one hand.
  13. "Made" on Melbourne St. this week. Also Harry's opposite the Telegraph is good. If you've got plenty of time, or are with the nippers, Northside Diner on the 3rd floor of Fenwicks does excellent handmade burgers.
  14. Latest scores ; L.Allen 2 - K. McCann 1 *I know , it is the BAD taste thread though*
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