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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Like a pint of ale that post Bitter start , with a sweet finish.
  2. :icon_lol: I doff my cap to thee ,sir.
  3. Mmmmmmmmmm Mmmmmmmmmmmm Mmmmmmmmmm Crash Test Dummies
  4. Name and shame the cunts, Stevie!!! 90% of the people with two vowels in their screen names on this thread. All Leazes does is stick up for Shepherd and has a few nationalist leanings. I agree I get sick of reading the same wank off everyone, same cycle every day, when you all know if you stood in a pub together you'd be cuddling each other and saying what good crack yous are. I'm a fine one to talk about maturity levels because I wind people up sometimes and I know which buttons to press, but fuck it no more, you'll be shocked to learn I actually PM'd two people today to apologise about all the times I've deliberately got on their tits, I got a lovely response back off one of them, but yous all need to fucking grow up. Howay man Stevie, it's just banter. Leazes, after all's said and done, has got thicker skin than a concrete bunker and is as unshakable in his beliefs as a suicide bomber. I think he can take a bit of ribbing. That last bit is pure poetry And Stevie man, it's called taking the piss, pipe down
  5. Up to 61 pages. Fuck me , the knives are out.
  6. Probably wasn't , for too long
  7. Maybe that's their game- the food is actually rank, but they force you to get Cobra'd up so it seems fine. Devious bastards!
  8. Is the service in there still terrible btw? Stopped going except for takeaways. Even if it's half full you still wait ages whilst they're sending out the takeaways like billy-o. Bad show, all boy iyam. I put it down to teething problems at first but after it happened about 3 or 4 times it was taking the proverbial. Shame as the food is spot on. Last time I went, it wasn't bad once you got to your table. Getting there was a bit of a chore though. Food is cracking mind.
  9. Bet that went down like a shite in a pool So, lunch; And a veggie curry. Going for a "sitty doon" at Forest Hall Indians tomorrow too. Baboons arse on Sunday
  10. Had a "quiet" mornings graft. Now off to the Tyne for lunch. Love Fridays
  11. I agree with the concensus. You should reinstate that, Fish. What's the worst that can happen.
  12. First shit on the carpet and they're in the wheelie bin though.
  13. Aye, cheers for sending me it Ant. Had a right laugh
  14. Kevin should class that as his first lesson in uni life. Trust no-one!
  15. In the name of community, something you dippers bang on about endlessly whilst robbing your neighbours, can we give this tit and toughguymick their own little forum? Preferrably not on here?
  16. Your facebook status and your previous post where you spelt "certain;y".. am i the only one who ignored your friend request I didn't even get one! I'm suitably fucking devastated Don't be.
  17. btw, is it Nyff as in sniff, or Nyff as in knife?
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