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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I was going to do the Mingeeta joke but this is a family board.
  2. Not the called the Kamagra Kid for nothing
  3. So omnipotent that Milan have had them dry. Never change Mackems, never change* * delusion-wise, not clothing-wise.… fucking skanks.
  4. Also, you’ve all heard the tale of me dropping a brown bomber off a cliff by now, so I’ll just refer to it as No.2 Tale no.1.
  5. There’s no uuuummmm…errrrrrr…uuummmm. Not the Spaniel. Still would like. 👍
  6. The sequence of it just before it blows is mind-boggling. Biggest recorded landslide in history I think.
  7. Shaft! John Shaft! He’s a dead motherfu… Shut yo mouth! Rest in Pussy.
  8. I’d definitely give a it play through as his lass. 👍
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