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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. 5'8". 13 Stone 12.........Yer short fat tubby bastard Says the anorexic!
  2. Fittest I've ever been I was 16 and a half stone.
  3. I always thought you'd look like Hammy off Topgear for some reason. You fat jabber. Fuck off Twinkle Toes It's all muscle- honest.
  4. I'm going to have to find a recording of it like
  5. It's thought that Mozart was a Tourettes sufferer; http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/3...Mozart-tic.html
  6. An entirely personal thing, wearing a poppy. The Celtic thing above just cements my already low opinion of them.
  7. That, or the thick cunt got the link wrong. I'm guessing it was speculation he was on his way abroad.
  8. I can think of 2 good reasons Prof. Wenger was tempted. Aaand she drinks thru her minge! http://www.anorak.co.uk/264689/sports/soni...l?pid=31633#img
  9. Is the service in there still terrible btw? Stopped going except for takeaways. Even if it's half full you still wait ages whilst they're sending out the takeaways like billy-o. Bad show, all boy iyam. I put it down to teething problems at first but after it happened about 3 or 4 times it was taking the proverbial. Shame as the food is spot on. Last time I went, it wasn't bad once you got to your table. Getting there was a bit of a chore though. Food is cracking mind. Same here. I got to the table about an hour and a half after it was booked though. I was mortal. Table booked for 8pm. Arrived 5 minutes early, served drinks immediately, orders were taken after 5 minutes. Seated and served promptly. Service was spot on, the food was superb. And they've got a new menu.
  10. How confident are you/Mrs. Tree in the kitchen? I ask because if you're planning to try something new, have a "dry run". Why not do a course from each of the four UK countries ? Cullen Skink Starter Beef Wellington Main Irish Coffee Pudding Welsh Cheese Course Serve Uk booze , naturally.
  11. What did Ball say? Something about Roeders health ?
  12. http://www.true-faith.co.uk/tf/features.ns...00?OpenDocument Class! I'll give that an hour before one of their lurkers has posted a link to it on SMB. Not obsessed though
  13. Love this one Using the death of Sir Bobby to have a cheap dig- oozes class that
  14. The law's an ass, I can't even refer to my own child as my 'disabled son'. Seems the correct term is 'daughter'.
  15. The thread on SMB about Agent Doubtfire's "classless" remark is currently running at 37 pages. Some of the inbreeds actually accuse us of being obsessed with them in this very thread! http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.ph...487&page=37
  16. Btw, what is their case? Money, cuts, hours?
  17. It's not the best way to engender public support for their case.
  18. Soooo, after my leisurely lunch at the Tyne, I got home around 2pm. Played with the kids for a bit, then Mrs. Fist said "Why don't you go and have a soak in the bath". Result. 20 minutes into the bath I hear Wifey on the phone to her sisters, inviting them round for a firework party - in 2 hours. Cue a mad dash, with 3yr old and 5 month son , to buy fireworks, party food and booze. £200 lighter I'm now sitting halfway pissed having scared the shit of the neighbourhood cats and both Chimplets. Women!!!!
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