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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Fish kebabs laced with Harissa spices, serve with couscous and roast veggies.
  2. Same at my school, not through solidarity mind, just that they were really manky.
  3. Or to re-phrase the question, just how many accounts does thompers have? *Arnie accent* "He'll be beck"
  4. Freddy doesn't agree with that, and he's perfect oh fuck off man you tedious cunt Aye, I'm the tedious one Yes you really are. You are far and away the worst poster on the forum Yourself excluded ? Shove a poll up - who is the worst poster me or you, whoever loses never posts again. Deal? Would anyone even notice if you didn't post? You make the poll and it's a deal Fight!!!
  5. Ugh, I feel your pain. Hope it goes okay. I'm only working one night this week (tonight) I've got Thursday and Friday to myself whilst the baba is at nursery and the mister is at work and I've got a cracking weekend to look forward to - it's all good PS - What is Fenwicks window this year? all sorted in under an hour no pain etc, the needles/drills etc dont bother me, i just gag really easily anytime they go near my mouth, so they have toi guve me that iv sedation stuff You'd be a useless puff.
  6. It's a beautiful,crisp winter day, in one of the best cities in the world. I expect Real Madrid's manager-in-waiting to have his arse handed to him on a Black and White platter this evening. What's not to like?
  7. Wales? Scotland? Are we beginning to learn a bit about your life story? HM Official Secrets Act. Need to know basis.
  8. Hasn't he already awarded himself that , on a permanent basis?
  9. Echoing the sentiments of many on here, I have no strong feelings for or against Blackburn ( exception being that cheating cunt Pederson ) However, I would love to humiliate Allardyce by banging 5 or 6 past any of the sides he 'manages'. I don't think this feeling is shared with our players though.
  10. Calling people left wing ,bleeding heart, hippy,do-gooders , with no life experience , isn't personality driven? Fuck off man
  11. unfortunately teachers and "smart" don't particularly belong together..... Old Skool!
  12. I saw a woman last night in town who was about 6ft4 in town, and I donno why but it felt intimidated seeing a girl taller than me. 6ft8 though dear me, I'm tall and I'd come up to your chin, and to think I used to be really cheeky to you as well...bet you haven't been in many fights Pud's above all that
  13. Honorary President of Toffe Dippers Pigeon Loft Association.
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