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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Why did Diana cross the road? Momentum sorry
  2. If you are talking about the Monty hall Problem you are wrong - you should always switch doors Yes, because the other of the 2 remaining doors now has a 66% chance. Not sure where I said otherwise. Read carefully. EDIT: The question at the end is not "should you switch?" It's unrelated. Sorry - lazy reading The Electorate won't like it! Ask Gordon Brown
  3. Get down Carr!! Thought about calling him Syndrome at first.
  4. I know,some daft bastard named their daughter Quinn!! Poor lass
  5. After reading this gem on SMB , I wonder if anyone has named their sprogs similarly, or are themselves named after a player? http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=539396 Incidently, my 5 month old son is called Sam, but that is in no way connected to the Fat Headed one.
  6. In Fop's absence , I feel duty bound to post;
  7. Ray , how do you fancy a spell up north?
  8. I know, some hardman if you're backing off from Franny Lee, if you're that hard he should have been flat out on the deck! Don't mess with us midgets
  9. Agree with this. These sort of things are never going to result in injuries, whereas the real heinous crimes like De Jong on Ben Arfa see the FA sit on their hands. This is what boils my piss. It'll be interesting at the end of the season to tally up the injuries caused to other players by De Jong, that cunt from Stoke, and Barton. I'm willing to bet Barton will be bottom of the list. Then cross reference it to FA fines. What Barton did last night was cretinous, I'm not defending that in the least. But for fucks sake, if he gets a retro red fir it I'll be volcanic. De Jong didn't even get yellow for snapping Hatem in half did he?
  10. It's ok to elbow and forearm smash the fuck out of Carroll without even a comment from the media, but Barton puts a tickler on Pederson and it's an outrage. It's fucking bollocks is what it is.
  11. Can we expect the same reaction from the bankers when the Govt. removes their bonuses and hits the fuckers who caused the financial crisis ? …oh wait.
  12. This. Had it been any other player, there wouldn't have been half the fuss. Well if you've a history of doing, you'll be treated more cautiously in fairness.. Thought Pederson came across quite well though at the end of it all... Aye, for a cheating puff.
  13. This. Had it been any other player, there wouldn't have been half the fuss.
  14. That is criminally idiotic. If they catch who did it, they should fine them, ooooooh ,say the equivalent of 4 year's tuition. My business partner has worked on Millbank- reckons the only way they could've got on the roof was with help.
  15. I'd be prepared to overlook them ,just this once mind.
  16. Is that the bird from Real Hustle on beeb3?
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