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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Very sporting of Soccermom to pose for that. Have a good one Meenz. She was actually bending backwards.
  2. Aye, I used to fo a bit of fishing as well. My tea had legs though
  3. He'll pretend he's at the pub now and when he returns pretend this post and thread doesn't exist. Like the Blackburn match thread
  4. They have to, so they can knock him down again later.
  5. This attempt by leazes to attach an air of mystery to his past is risible. You can easily relay your past experience without breaking the official secrets act, or the brickies code , whichever applies. Here's my experience,briefly; I have lived and worked all over the Uk , and in 3 European countries. I have been self-employed, a worker, managed over 40 staff, and worked freelance. I have been piss poor and well off financially. I have worked with ex-offenders, squaddies, hippies,Old Etonians and even some of those coloured types. I can speak another language and get by in 2 others. I have lived and worked on Urban and rural environments. I have killed cooked and eaten my own food. Not difficult is it, and no clues to my special forces past..... ....oops. Let's have it then Leazes, man or mouse time.
  6. What experience is that then Leazes? For someone who bangs on about so much, there's not much of it in evidence.
  7. I'll get it out the way now. Andy Townsend = Grade A Dickhead.
  8. Carroll didn't sing Geordie 1st, English 2nd. Good lad.
  9. Fucking Hell The sexpot would use the poopsniffer as a toothpick. An awful advert for the diet Mckeith follows, whereas the butter,sugar,cream,booze, meat etc that Nigella ears produces some of the finest tittage on the planet.
  10. Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Don't get injured Andy Be nice to beat the Thrush eaters too.
  11. trouble is it was only guaranteed to go 30 miles before breaking down The Airbus A380 of the bike world then?
  12. I like cheese and onion for the record. Am I a tree hugging hippy veggie?
  13. bump If you won't let me know which company acted so shockingly, how can a patriot like myself possibly register my displeasure with them? Hmmm?
  14. Hollister (Abercrombie and Fitch).... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-11708637 I should have said "local" company. Nevertheless, a smart lad like you should envisage the scenario. Man/woman goes to press and tells all this, with name of company. Man/woman gets the sack from company. Alternatively, if a muslim is banned from saying prayers 5 times a day, muslim goes to press, cue big scandal about "rights", accusations of "racism", namby pambys out of the cupboard blah blah...... Please explain the difference, as it's the namby pamby's who are causing this shift in attitudes ..... What was the company? Soo, what was the company?
  15. I have her on facebook so I can still get my fill if/when needed. You can have me on facebook anytime Brockles I have indeed not been too grand, I had a "small" heart attack on 10.10.10 , now theres a date i will never forget !! Had a stent put in and am on the mend and off work till beginning of December. Browse a lot but can't be arsed to post and get into the arguments especially since every twat keeps changing their user names and I have not got a clue who I would be arguing with !!! Plus being off the cigarettes is not helping my bullshitometer any Good to see TR getting back to full fitness again tho x Bloody hell.. hope you make a full recovery Radgina
  16. tell the truth CT- this is what your worried about
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