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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Its lovely when you have a player in the team that creates that. We got a glimpse of it with Ben Arfa but prior to him I can think who was the last player who had that sort of effect. I'll have to give it some though. Pedro
  2. Monkeys Fist


    Jimbo, That's an order!
  3. Monkeys Fist


    £20 says he has one off the wrist at some point today
  4. Monkeys Fist


    Wahey! Multiculturism at it's best
  5. Sounds like the Labour Party is about to implode into civil war... http://www.newstatesman.com/blogs/the-stag...hodges-miliband And all the while the multi millionaire PM continues sticking it to the masses. God/Allah/Buddha/Richard Dawkins help us.
  6. "That bloody antipasto,coming over here and taking our scientists, you can't see it mind, it's too cowardly to show it's face, not like our Brave British Matter. I used to vacuum the breadcrumbs out of Freddie's cock crease you know, now that's life experience!"
  7. surprised it took you this long... I posted it next week, but fell through a worm hole.… …erm, string theory.… …make it so? …Padawan.
  8. She's your Mams sister. That's why anti-matters. I'll get me coat
  9. Little info for you CT http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunchtime_a...Redirected=true There are a few more taken on the same girder, one shows 4 of the workers having a nap, the other is someone teeing up a golf shot
  10. http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=810176 No reply No reply No replyyyyyay. What's up Skidders, need time to think about it?
  11. Aye, sorry to hear that Trophyshy. Best of luck finding a new position.
  12. I haven't lost shit. I'm confident that the ongoing poll will end in my favour. Aw Diddums. You lost, fair and square. How's that like? It's ongoing. I didn't agree to any Friday noon stipulation. If you can find where i did then fair enough like, I'll go. So agree a cut off time now then. How about noon tomorrow. Simple really.
  13. I haven't lost shit. I'm confident that the ongoing poll will end in my favour. Aw Diddums. You lost, fair and square.
  14. What speaks volumes is that Skidmark lost a bet with Spongebob, by a staggering majority,and has welched on the bet. How do you explain that one Skiddy?
  15. Speaking of not replying..... What was the company, what is your "Life experience"?
  16. Bloke in the pub told me he's in the process of selling.
  17. Or real http://thepirata.com/photographs-that-chan...e-world-part-4/ Hmm...
  18. Shaun Ryder cookbook Chicken, rabbit and piggy wiggy btw.
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