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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I know the very ones. On Goathland.
  2. Monkeys Fist


    Happy Birthday chap!
  3. Mine are going up 18th December, down on 2nd Jan. When do you put yours up? Some knobs in my street had their houses lit up like Blackpool before the snow started? *apologies if there's already a thread on this - couldn't be arsed to look
  4. Not to mention a gallon of whisky to numb the paaaaaaaiiiiinnnn
  5. In that weather, could you tell?
  6. She's eaten Timmy Mallet I reckon.
  7. I have already expressed my preference. Next poll- how many pints before you'd get amongst #4 ?
  8. Medieval, xenophobic, incestuous, dilapidated, unimportant ,bitter ,racist, overshadowed, bleating parasite. Other than that, I don't think much of it.
  9. Aye, love it. Is there a more recognisable cityscape (outside the capital)in these islands?
  10. Dragones ice cream! Nice to see Wappatt was a twat then too.
  11. Footage of Tyne bridge being built, the Boys wandering round the girders, not a harness in sight. Mental
  12. No Corinthians Amateurs on that list. Derserves the Shocker!
  13. Just got in from an emergency job. Clearing snow from the roof and removing sunshades damaged by falling ice/snow. My feet may defrost by March.
  14. You can't afford real weather you dole monkey.
  15. Second left would get Blizzard of Fist Btw, if this pic was taken in Bigg Mkt, there's a 50/50 chance they're mackems.
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