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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Pitch invasion and bother at Brum v Polished Turds http://m.guardian.co.uk/football/2010/dec/...mp;type=article Edit; PaddockLad clearly a faster typist than me
  2. Class 102:How to take a perfect volley.
  3. Christ on a bike... http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&sour...2,31.63,,1,0.75 Luddites rule!
  4. Strictly need to know basis. Oh for a secret forum!!
  5. Cheers Sammy Turns out the fellow in question is a partner in the firm, so your advice will hopefully be very helpful … and clear your inbox man!
  6. Fucking hell, you're full of Christmas cheer aren't you! Misery tits. It's too fucking early to think about Christmas man. Fuck off. "Hear, all ye good people, hear what this brilliant and eloquent speaker has to say!" I love Christmas, but at Christmas.
  7. Drew Barrymore? Nah…
  8. Goat is actually the de facto curry meat. Mutton over here if you're talking West Indian curry tbf. Never lamb in thai green curry though. Dave is quite clearly off his chops. Agreed that is pretty mad. Tastebuds of a chimp I shouldn't wonder. Hoy!!
  9. Tidied Twat Yummy How you serving that?
  10. They all were inspired by…
  11. where you get them? http://www.playmurdermystery.com/ No idea what they're like, 1st on Google
  12. Not sure how to get a link on my phone. Look up the junction of Goathland Avenue and Beech Grove ( Benton Estate). The house on the north side of the junction is the one. Go one click down Beech Grove, and look at the gable end of the house to your left ( north).
  13. Well last time I went on the boxing machine Southport fair I broke the machine. Me fists travel more than 150mph. Its like getting hit by a moving car when I let me fists go. Me nicknames toughguymick or one punch(I only need one punch to take people out) He meant your cock.
  14. Badly Packed, naturally.
  15. He be better of coming across on the M62 and up the A1 wouldn't he? I know the snow gates have been shut on the A66 to stop anyone attempting it. He's just been back on the phone- seen sense and cancelled. I'd heard A1 was closed south of the A68 junction?
  16. It's just waste ground now. Few billboards opposite Stowell st.
  17. Anyone been along the A69 lately? I've just spoke to colleague who is going to attempt Manchester - Gateshead via M6, A69. Told him he's mental
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