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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. If you were serious, it moves back 2 weeks every year and it ran from 2nd week of August-2nd week of September this year. So in 12 years it'll have moved back 6 months and it'll be in February/March. Nee bother. Cheers mate It was a serious question ( even though I initially fucked up the date ) I know Qatar has seen a slight liberalisation of it's laws under the current Emir, was just curious. How they deal with the alcohol issue will be interesting, to say the least.
  2. Which racist comments are they then Leazes?
  3. Anyone know the dates for Ramadan 2018 btw? D'oh. 2022!
  4. There's clips of youtube of foreign immigrants being beaten up by gangs of big 6ft4 racist twats, for the crime of being there. Renton had it right Russians are cold, calculating, soulless twats. Ivan Drago was the classic Russian. If I sound bitter I am, it's an absolute disgrace, it's like having Halle Berry (being us) in a line with Fizz, Sonya Jackson and Big Mo, and Big Mo won. It's too much to take, I can't take in justices in life it's the one thing that drives me up the wall, I'm bitter and I haven't got it in me to say well done Russia, because this is corruption at the highest level, the UN should investigate but they're corrupt twats too, the Putin change of heart to go says a hell of a lot. A country of 160m, the second super power of the world changing his plans in 18 hours. This is the worst thing I've ever seen in sport. What's with the gloves btw? *Walks to door stripped to waist* "Got your hat, Ivan? Don't forget your gloves!!" He'll have his name tattooed on his knuckles. He'll have done well to fit "Bilyaletdinov" on his knuckles. Not if they're playing away to Chernobyl. One of 2018 venues? USA & England group venues. Guaranteed
  5. There's clips of youtube of foreign immigrants being beaten up by gangs of big 6ft4 racist twats, for the crime of being there. Renton had it right Russians are cold, calculating, soulless twats. Ivan Drago was the classic Russian. If I sound bitter I am, it's an absolute disgrace, it's like having Halle Berry (being us) in a line with Fizz, Sonya Jackson and Big Mo, and Big Mo won. It's too much to take, I can't take in justices in life it's the one thing that drives me up the wall, I'm bitter and I haven't got it in me to say well done Russia, because this is corruption at the highest level, the UN should investigate but they're corrupt twats too, the Putin change of heart to go says a hell of a lot. A country of 160m, the second super power of the world changing his plans in 18 hours. This is the worst thing I've ever seen in sport. What's with the gloves btw? *Walks to door stripped to waist* "Got your hat, Ivan? Don't forget your gloves!!" He'll have his name tattooed on his knuckles.
  6. We'd best pipe down. The fuckers might turn the power off
  7. Is that the 4th one? I knew she had a wig on
  8. Blatter's integrity= 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 yoctometers
  9. I can't wait for Leazes' meltdown on this one When he gets back from the pub of course
  10. Fucking fix. And people were worried about the crime in South Africa
  11. Fucking Blatter now claiming the Rinky Dinks invented football We had no fucking chance
  12. Fuck it. Out in the 1st round Fucking ridiculous
  13. Why do string such things out. Just fucking announce it ffs.
  14. Just lasses though, so you're safe admit it you want my monkey bones
  15. The chubby chasers gradually reveal themselves
  16. On it now. Running fine, but the stench. THE STENCH! That's what you get for being a sitter when arse wiping... Aye cos I'm sat on the metro with a load of standers with Rorschach shit patterns in their crevices. You're all bloody Giants. Imagine the stink for midgets like me and Wacky! Need poop snorkels.
  17. Is Trinny the fat pig or the skinny minx? I can never remember. ( or care if I'm honest)
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