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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Don't try to pasta buck, matey.
  2. 9 minge-free posts. Standards boys! Olivia Wilde, Tron Legacy actress. Just been on BBC news
  3. I have to fess up that I've never heard La Pinder speak. Mind, the opposite end of the scale is also true- lasses with giggly, cutesy voices do my knapper in.
  4. I have been meaning to address my height deficiency, I'd thought I'd get some stack heeled boots but then realised I knew no-one with a truly terrible history of shoewear that I could ask for advice. Hmmmm Edmund, hmmmm??
  5. Just had an encounter with my namesake?
  6. I thought we'd established for the purposes of this thread that personality/reputation = not important. All about the T&A. Edit: We are poles apart on the voice thing- I find a husky voice on a woman a definite plus. Honor Blackman, Mariella Frostrup etc all distinctly average, transformed into minxes by their voice.
  7. Came across this site.....Porn bloopers http://4gifs.com/gallery/v/PornBloopers/?g2_page=41 I'll bet you did. Bizarrely, this was on there.
  8. Nice one CT. Is your new Ava lifted from a porn shoot? Dirty dog!
  9. Wearing a belt, has a minge. Qualifies.
  10. He's on the Parliamentary Defence Select Committee, has the Royal Naval Dockyard in his constituency, and is Chair of the all party groups on Russia and Croatia. He also likes animals.
  11. BBC news; http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-11922897 Essentially, a 25yr old Russian woman has been working as secretary to Mike Hancock, MP for Portsmouth South,(home of the Royal Naval Dockyard), and has been detained and lined up for deportation by MI5/6. Bet you he was banging her.
  12. There appears to be a glaring omission from the candidate list. He's Irish, smells of burger grease, has only been inside a minge once in his life, and is largely ignored. I therefore declare this poll void.
  13. The Pythons nailed this a while ago
  14. I'd class Algeria as North Africa, but there you go? It's also further West than Italy.
  15. I'm aware of that but I don't think they'll be playing all the games on the Sinai peninsular. That and the fact they're in the African Federation Good googling Alex. Knew it from RE tbh. "Jesus XI 0-1 Romans. " should have been 2-0, but when the Romans put in the cross, Jesus saved (us all) Acrossthepond, there's no personal malice intended from me, but I do think you're wrong on this. Can you explain to me how Qatar's bid has more merit than Australia's?
  16. Love Tino Love Pedro Love this article What odds this thread gets "Leazes'd"
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