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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Ashley will only go when someone pays him want he wants. Meanwhile he is lowering the value of the club day by day. He'll be here a good while yet I fear. I'm an optimist in general, with a healthy dose of realism for balance.
  2. On an Internet discussion forum Aye, I'm all for constructive debate, but anyone with the club at heart with half a clue would realise many of you are talking total: Yesterday was for slagging Ashley off and venting. Today is for discussing and speculating the whys and wherefores??. I can never understand why some grown up posters have a problem with that. Thats what keeps TV shows, radio phone ins, newspapers and yes internet forums going. Be a quick (and boring) thread if we just called him a cunt and left it at that. Mike Ashley- Cunt.
  3. "This glass of white wine's got a bit of a head on it" *fizzing away like buggery* A well equipped van is a must aswell.
  4. Get yourself some of this man, Sammy. Works every time.
  5. Why not tune to Tony Blackburn's Hit Parade? Pop pickers
  6. Do you think it's a coincidence that the firm designing the Stadiums is Albert Speer & Partners? Yes, the son of Adolf's mate. Bet the Israelis love it.
  7. Or a pair of lieing cunts who are making it up as they stumble along.
  8. Posted last night man when the real men were still up And the Taboo Crew.… If even one part of the above is true, we are royally fucked as long as the Fatman owns us. Not earth shattering news really, just depressing to have it brought starkly into focus again.
  9. Aye. I'm still on the "Pardew will be ours" mindset. FFS
  10. White wine, vodka and lemonade. In a pint glass.
  11. "The most important aspect in all OUT training sessions" Nope.
  12. He was always football mad as a child, according to his sister Minge.
  13. A little bit of me would love it if it was. Are we looking at reaching the semis?
  14. Bastard! Giving this a try tonight One of the most pissed occasions I've yet gotton into a good few years ago ended up with me on top of a bus shelter waving and smiling at people on the top deck of the buses that went up Shields Road in Byker early on a summers evening after drinking cheap bottles of 7.5% abv cider that 'Wor Jackies' were getting rid of. I didn't normally drink up there and very rarely drank cider, so fuck knows what you're going to get up to! Writing this from the inside of my wardrobe, it's fucking cramped in here with all these bastard elephants, but at least I'm safe from the Mongol Hordes rampaging round the kitchen. Back on the Guinness tomorrow.
  15. Use Baileys. Proper drinky poos
  16. Minutes silence for Mick please.
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